Set a communication number or address as the preference

You can set the preferred address or number on the Communication tab. If you have registered three mobile phone numbers, you specify the preferred number that you want to display on the General tab. You find your communication details on both the Communication tab and the General tab. All addresses and numbers are displayed on the Communication tab. On the General tab, only your preferred address or number per communication type is displayed.

To set an address as the preference:

In the below procedure, we set a preferred address for a person. You can use the same procedure for an organisation and a contact person.

  1. Go to: CRM / Organisation/person / Organisation/person.
  2. Open the properties of a person.
  3. Go to the tab: Communication.

    On this tab, you see all numbers and addresses that are available for this person.

  4. Select the address that you want to set as the preference for the type of communication data.
  5. Click on the action: Set as preference.

    This action is only necessary if you have recorded two pieces of data of the same type, for example two LinkedIn addresses. The first address is automatically set as the preferred address. If you want to set the second address as the preferred one, select the second address and click on the Set as preference action.

    The Preference (VK) check box is selected for the preferred address/number. On the General tab, you see the address/number set in the field that belongs to the communication type.

Directly to

  1. Communication data
  2. Add communication data
  3. Set a communication number or address as the preference
  4. Change communication data
  5. Add a social network address
  6. View a social network address
  7. E-mail an organisation or person