Add a social network address

You can also add addresses of profiles on social networks (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) to persons.

To add a social network address to the communication data:

  1. On the site, copy the address of the person.
  2. Go to:CRM / Organisation/person / Organisation/person.
  3. Open the properties of the organisation or person.
  4. Go to the tab:Communication.
  5. Click on: New

  6. For Type select one of the options for social networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or SocN for other social networks.

    In InSite or OutSite, if you insert the plug-in to the LinkedIn profile in a document that you add as the author, Profit uses these details from the communication data of the LinkedIn type.

  7. Paste the social network profile address into the Number/address field.
  8. If required, enter a comment.
  9. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Communication data
  2. Add communication data
  3. Set a communication number or address as the preference
  4. Change communication data
  5. Add a social network address
  6. View a social network address
  7. E-mail an organisation or person