Check a blocked bank statement

When you import a bank statement, Profit compares the balance of the imported bank statement with the balance of the bank's ledger account. If the balances deviate, the following message appears: 'The opening balance in the file does not match the balance in the journal'. The bank statement is blocked. In the case of blocked bank statements, you can check the transaction file and the administration in order to determine why the bank balance differs. You then resolve the cause of the blocked bank statement, depending on the situation that is applicable.

After you have resolved the problem and the balance is correct, the message does not disappear, because it is only determined once. You can delete the bank statement and import it again if it is still available or wait for the next statement to see if the message has not come back.


Check the balance

You check whether the balance of the bank statement differs from the balance of the bank journal.

To check the balance:

  1. Go to: Financial / Ledger / Journal.
  2. Open the properties of the bank journal.
  3. Go to the tab: General.

    The Contra account field shows the ledger account of the bank journal.

  4.  Go to the tab: Balances.

Check the closing balance of the last processed bank statement. If this balance does not match, then there have been some incorrect entries. Also check the balances of previous periods.

Manual entries

You check whether there are any manual entries that were not created by importing the transaction files.

Check for manual entries

  1. Go to: Financial / Ledger / Journal.
  2. Open the properties of the bank journal.
  3. Go to the tab: General.

    The Contra account field shows the ledger account of the bank journal.

  4.  Go to the tab: Entries.

    Add a new view with the Source journal entry field.

    The manual entries have the FIentry value. Check that the value of these entries matches the balance difference between the transaction file and the bank journal.

  5. Click on: OK.

Double import

You check whether a transaction file has been imported previously.

To check for a duplicate import:

  1. Go to: Financial / Enter / Bank statement
  2. Check whether the transaction file has been imported multiple times.

    You may be importing a transaction file, whereas a colleague has already entered the statement manually.

  3. Delete the manual entries.

    You can only delete bank statements that have the Blocked, Processed or Loaded status.


    Deleting a bank statement does not delete all entries. Thus you have to delete the entries as well to avoid duplication.

Not processed

You check if there are any transaction files that have not yet been processed.

To check for files that have not been processed:

  1. Go to: Financial / Enter / Bank statement.
  2. Check whether there are any (interim) transaction files that have not been processed.

    Previously imported transaction files may still have the Loaded or Current status. You must first process these transaction files.

  3. Process these files using one of the following methods:
    1. Click on the action: Process if you want to process the files.
    2. Click on the action: Set status to 'processed' if you no longer want to process these files.

Bank statement ID

You use the Bank statement ID field to check if the bank statements have been imported in the correct order.

To check the import sequence using Bank statement ID:

  1. Go to: Financial / Enter / Bank statement.
  2. Add a new view with the Bank statement ID field.
  3. In the view, use the Bank statement ID field to check if the bank statement files have been imported in the correct order.

Also see

Directly to

  1. Bank statements
  2. Configure electronic bank statements
  3. Configure a bank link for internet banking
  4. Import a bank statement
  5. View an imported bank statement
  6. Check a blocked bank statement
  7. Release a bank statement
  8. Process a bank statement
  9. Delete a bank statement
  10. Search criteria for automatic processing of bank statements
  11. Bank link checklist
  12. Change a journal entry for a bank statement
  13. Process Equens payments
  14. Configure the bank link (AFAS Online)