Release assessment forms

After creating assessments, additional assessors can be invited or assessments can be deleted. After you release the assessments, the assessors will complete them through InSite.

When generating assessments, Profit can automatically create assessments for managers and the employees to be assessed. You can use the procedure below to test the call using the Profit Web services.

To release assessments:

  1. Go to: HR / Competence management / Prepare assessments.
  2. Select the role.


    You can only select a role for which you have created an assessment. In that role, the competences, levels and scores must have been configured. If you now adapt it, you must then copy it again to the survey generator.

  3. Click on: Select.

    You see the employees with a manual assessment (survey) or created assessments based on the role.

  4. Check the status of the survey.

    If the status is In design, the survey has not been released yet. If you do not want to conduct the assessment, you can delete the relevant line.

  5. In the Response column, check if the survey has been completed.

    Initially, it is set to Not entered.

  6. Click on: New.

    You can add a survey with this. Profit copies the data from the previous line. You can process this data.

  7. Release the survey(s):
    • Release all

      You release all surveys. Profit assigns the Released status.

    • Release all surveys employee

      You release all surveys of the selected employee. Profit assigns the Released status to the survey(s).

  8. Click on: Finish.

The surveys for the assessments have now been released. A survey can also be released from the survey itself.

You can consult the properties of the survey model added by Profit for the assessment and the assessment survey itself.

Directly to

  1. Assessments
  2. Prepare assessments
  3. View assessments and record actions agreed upon
  4. Release assessment forms
  5. View the assessment survey model and survey
  6. Configure an assessment and competency overview for InSite