Add an employee cost centre / cost unit

In the case of a change of cost centre or cost unit, you add a job line with the correct start date.

You can link a deviating cost centre or unit if you have configured this at the employer level.

If an employee changes cost centres during the period, Profit journalises the whole period based on the new cost centre. If you want to use the start date of the new job line for journalising, you can add a position allocation to the properties of the job line.

If you add a contract, timetable or job line, Profit will automatically add a salary line with the start date of the contract, timetable or job line. In this situation, the new line is a copy of the previous line. If you delete the linked contract, timetable or job line, you will also delete the salary line that was added automatically.

If the previous job line still does not have an end date, Profit enters it automatically (it is set to the day before the start date of the new line). Profit automatically copies the values from the old line to the new line but you can change most values.


The authorisation can be linked to the organisation chart. In this situation the organisational unit to which the employee belongs determines the employee's options in Profit. If you link a new organisational unit to an employee, his/her authorisation may therefore also change.

To add a job / organisational unit:

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
  2. Open the properties of the employee.
  3. Go to the tab: Job.

    Profit displays the job lines starting with the first employment of the employee.

  4. Click on: New.
  5. Enter the start date and press Tab.

    Profit copies the values from the previous job line.

  6. Select the organisational unit and the job. If you cannot find the desired job, it has not yet been linked to the employer of the employee.

    If you select a position, Profit automatically copies the associated job and organisational unit. Profit also copies the cost centre and cost unit, if cost centres and units are used. If the new position does not contain a cost centre or unit, then the old cost centre or unit stays in place.

    You immediately see the place of the employee in the corporate hierarchy.

    If Profit displays the message 'No organisation chart found', the possible reasons are the following:

    • The start date of this job line is before the start date of the organisation chart.
    • In the organisation chart, the organisational unit concerned is not configured.
  7. Click on: Finish.

    Profit displays the new job line in the view. The previous line has automatically been given an end date.

When creating a new OU or job, you will see the organisation chart as soon as you have specified an OU.

See also

Directly to

  1. Employee job
  2. Add a job for an employee using InSite
  3. Transfer an employee in InSite
  4. Add an employee's job and/or organisational unit
  5. Add an employee job (Belgium)
  6. Add an employee cost centre / cost unit
  7. View the job of an employee
  8. Employee job with position allocation