View the job of an employee


  • Functions employees (excl. authorisation) (Profit)
  • Functions employees (incl authorisation) (Profit)
  • Medewerkers huidig Org. eenheid & Functie (Profit)


  • Employees (via HR / Employee / Employee)
  • Employee (employed) (ditto)
  • Employee (extensive) (ditto)
  • Management information (via HR / Employee / Overview / HR Management)

See also

Directly to

  1. Employee job
  2. Add a job for an employee using InSite
  3. Transfer an employee in InSite
  4. Add an employee's job and/or organisational unit
  5. Add an employee job (Belgium)
  6. Add an employee cost centre / cost unit
  7. View the job of an employee
  8. Employee job with position allocation