Add a job for an employee in InSite

You can add a new job for an employee or you can change the existing job line in InSite.


The authorisation can be linked to the organisation chart. In this situation the organisational unit to which the employee belongs determines the employee's options in Profit. If you link a new organisational unit to an employee, their authorisation may therefore also change.

To change a job:

  1. Go to: InSite.
  2. Click on: HR.
  3. Click on: Change job.

    InSite may have been configured differently for you, in which case the description of the action deviates.

  4. Click on: the profile..
  5. Select the employee..
  6. Enter the start date.
  7. Select the position. If you select a position, you immediately see the corresponding job and organisational unit. Profit also copies the cost centre and unit, if cost centres and units are used. If the new position does not have a cost centre or cost unit, the old cost centre and cost unit remain applicable.
  8. Select the organisational unit and the job. If you cannot find the desired job, it has not yet been linked to the employer of the employee.

    You can also immediately specify a position allocation, if you have configured that in the properties of the profile.

  9. Click on: Add.

See also

Directly to

  1. Employee job
  2. Add a job for an employee using InSite
  3. Transfer an employee in InSite
  4. Add an employee's job and/or organisational unit
  5. Add an employee job (Belgium)
  6. Add an employee cost centre / cost unit
  7. View the job of an employee
  8. Employee job with position allocation