Add a timetable deviation

Profit updates a timetable calendar for all employees with a specified timetable. This calendar contains the days and times of work. You can record incidental deviations on the timetable calendar of an employee. For permanent deviations you will need to add a new timetable line..


If an employee gets a new timetable, Profit will rebuild the timetable calendar from the effective date of the new timetable. All deviations from the timetable after this start date will be lost.


Add deviations to a timetable

You can only add timetable deviations to a period in which an employee has a timetable. For employees with a variable work pattern without work timetable, the timetable calendar is not completed and you cannot record any deviations.


A part-time employee has a timetable without an end date. The employee works four days a week and is free on Wednesdays, which is specified in the timetable.

The employee changes the day off from Wednesday 11 February 2012 to Thursday 12 February 2012. You record this in Profit as an incidental deviation:

  • You add a line for the working day of 11 February with the working hours and break time.
  • You delete the line of the 12 February, as this is a day off.

You can also use the method in this example in the event of a deviation 'across months', for example, if someone switches a day in January for a day in February. The number of timetable days and worked contract days per wage processing period is determined on the basis of the timetable calendar. If you move a timetable day and worked contract day to a different period, this will affect the number of timetable days and worked contract days per period.


If you use the Multiple employments functionality, also enter the employment number on each line. After you have completed this, you can no longer change the number of the employment. For example, if you have added a timetable deviation for employment 1, you cannot change it to employment 2 at a later time. However, you can delete the original line (employment 1) and add it again for employment 2.

To add deviations to a timetable:

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
  2. Open the properties of the employee.
  3. Go to: Actions (F8)Timetable deviation.

    You can also launch this action from the timetable properties.

    Profit displays an entry layout.

    The date range determines the lines that will be displayed in the entry layout.

  4. If necessary, change the date range. Enter a date range that is between the start and end dates of the timetable calendar.
  5. Click on the action: F5. Select.

    Profit refreshes the entry layout and displays the date lines for the selected date range (in as far as the employee has a timetable within this date range).

  6. Modify the working hours, add lines or delete lines. If you modify a line, Profit selects the Deviating check box.

    Normally a day on which work is done, is always a timetable day and worked contract day. If the 'SV' day check box is selected multiple times for a single date, the day in question is still counted as one timetable and worked contract day.

  7. Select an hour type. The hour type you select has no direct effect on Profit. You can use the selected value to gain insight into the actual time spent by employees.
  8. Click on: Finish.

    You have completed the timetable change.

  9. Click on: Cancel. This closes the entry layout.
Restore the timetable calendar based on a timetable

You can rebuild an employee's timetable calendar based on the employee's timetable. This will cause all timetable deviations to be lost.

To restore the timetable calendar based on a timetable:

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
  2. Open the properties of the employee.
  3. Go to: Actions (F8)Timetable deviation.

    You can also launch this action from the timetable properties.

  4. Enter the date range for restoring the timetable.
  5. Click on the action: F5. Select.

    Profit refreshes the entry layout and displays the date lines for the selected date range (in as far as the employee has a timetable within this date range).

  6. Click on the action: Restore timetable.

Directly to

  1. Employee timetable
  2. Configure timetables and work timetables
  3. Configure the integration with Profit Calendar
  4. Record a timetable change in InSite
  5. Weekly timetable
  6. Work timetable
  7. Add deviations from a timetable
  8. Timetable days and worked contract days
  9. View the timetable and public holidays in Profit Calendar