Add a table of contents

You can add a table of contents to a page so that a visitor can quickly find the desired information.

Displaying the table of contents in a table lets you use the formatting options of a table.

To add a table of contents:

  1. Log on and start Site management.
  2. Click on: Edit (in the Page frame).
  3. Right-click on the position where you want to add the table of contents.
  4. Click on:Ins_Inhoudsopgave toevoegen (10) (Table).
  5. You can enter a name, for example Table of Contents.

    The table of contents consists of one row and one column.

  6. Enter a value in Rows.
  7. Enter a value in Columns.
  8. Enter a value in Border width.
  9. Indicate how you want to align the text.
  10. Click on: Modify.
  11. Right-click on the added cell.
  12. Click on: CEL.
  13. Click on: Cell properties.
  14. Enter a value in Width.
  15. Enter a value in Height.
  16. Select Yes for Automatic word wrap if you want the text to jump to the next line at the end of the cell.
  17. If applicable, select a value for Vertical alignment.
  18. Click on: Modify.
  19. Click in the table.

    For example, you can add a numbered list.

    More information:Table of contents - detailed example

  20. Click on: Ins_Inhoudsopgave toevoegen (10)
  21. Enter the texts for the table of contents.

    If you want to subdivide a topic still further into subtopics, you can indent the text.

    In this case, you insert a Numbered list under the numbered list. In the list, click Ins_Inhoudsopgave toeveogen (20).

  22. Click on: Publish.

Directly to

  1. CMS Editor
  2. Basic text formatting
  3. Add text with formatting
  4. Undo text formatting
  5. Scripting in the text
  6. Add a table of contents
  7. Add a quote
  8. Add an image
  9. Link a page to an image
  10. Add a video
  11. Apply a margin in the text
  12. Add an internal link
  13. Add a hyperlink
  14. Add special characters
  15. Add a table
  16. Show page blocks
  17. Undo/Redo