Add a hyperlink

You can add a hyperlink to another page.

If the page does not yet exist then create it.

To add a hyperlink:

  1. Log on and start Site management.
  2. Click on: Edit (in the Page frame).
  3. Select the text to which you want to add a hyperlink.
  4. Click on:Ins_Hyperlink toevoegen (10).

  5. The label is the text from the hyperlink that is displayed on the page.
  6. Select the page you want to open via the link.
  7.  Specify whether the linked page should be opened in the current window or in a new window.

  8. Click on: Create.

If you want to change the hyperlink, click the hyperlink and then the hyperlink button. The properties of the hyperlink are opened.

Directly to

  1. CMS Editor
  2. Basic text formatting
  3. Add text with formatting
  4. Undo text formatting
  5. Scripting in the text
  6. Add a table of contents
  7. Add a quote
  8. Add an image
  9. Link a page to an image
  10. Add a video
  11. Apply a margin in the text
  12. Add an internal link
  13. Add a hyperlink
  14. Add special characters
  15. Add a table
  16. Show page blocks
  17. Undo/Redo