Link a page to an image

You can link a page to an image. If a user clicks on the image, the linked page opens. Thus you use the image as a link.

To link a page to an image:

In this example you link a page to an existing image. You can also link a page directly when adding an image.

  1. Log on and start Site management.
  2. Click on: Edit (in the Page frame).
  3. Right-click on the image.
  4. Click on: Properties.

    You can also click on the Ins_Pagina koppelen aan afbeelding (10) .

  5. Select a page under Verwijzing bij afbeelding.
  6. Indicate whether you want to open the linked page in the current window or in a new window.
  7. Click on: Modify.
  8. Click on: Publish.

Directly to

  1. CMS Editor
  2. Basic text formatting
  3. Add text with formatting
  4. Undo text formatting
  5. Scripting in the text
  6. Add a table of contents
  7. Add a quote
  8. Add an image
  9. Link a page to an image
  10. Add a video
  11. Apply a margin in the text
  12. Add an internal link
  13. Add a hyperlink
  14. Add special characters
  15. Add a table
  16. Show page blocks
  17. Undo/Redo