Add a vacancy document template

In order to be able to publish created vacancies on InSite and OutSite, you add a document template. This should include details of who is allowed to publish vacancies and who is allowed to read them.

Document templates are a part of Document management for InSite and OutSite. You publish a specific vacancy as a document, based on the document template for vacancies.

You can choose to publish for:

  • InSite portal if you only want to publish the vacancy on InSite.
  • OutSite portal if you only want to publish the vacancy on OutSite.
  • In & OutSite portal if you want to publish the vacancy on both InSite and OutSite at the same time.

    If you first want to publish the document template of the vacancy on InSite for your own employees and then, for example if there is no response, on OutSite at a later date, you need to add two document templates: one for InSite and one for OutSite. In this case, you need to add the vacancy as a document and then publish it twice: once on InSite and then later on OutSite.

Add a document template in Profit

  1. Open Profit.
  2. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Document template.
  3. Click on: New.
  4. Enter the Description and Plural description. For example, 'Vacancy description’ and 'Vacancy descriptions’.
  5. Select Vacancy (Profit) for Based on.
  6. In Portal type, select whether the document template is intended for both InSite and OutSite, only for InSite or only for OutSite.
  7. Click on: Finish.

Profit then opens the properties of the document template.

Change a document template in Profit

You can change the document template. For example, you can link it to a workflow or set reviewers.

  1. Open the properties of the document template if they are not already open.
  2. Go to the tab: Authors.
  3. Specify a user group, authorisation role, selection or basis of users that are allowed to add the document template (the vacancy) as author.

    By default, the authorisation role Manager InSite is specified here.

  4. Go to the tab: Readers.
  5. Click on: New.
  6. Specify other user groups, authorisation roles, selections or basis groups of users that are allowed to read the document template. You also set the reader level they have.

    By default, these are the basic types Geautoriseerde InSite-gebruikers with reader level In persoonlijk overzicht and basic type Iedereen with reader level Read.

  7. Click on: OK.

Activate the document template for the correct site(s) in Profit

Before you can use the new document template in your site, you need to activate it. If you want to publish the document template on both InSite and OutSite, activate it on both sites.

  1. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Site.
  2. Open the properties of the site.
  3. Go to the tab: Document templates.

    You now see the document templates with the description in the plural.

  4. Select the Activated check box after the document template that you just added.
  5. Click on: OK.

    Profit must now first republish the site. This may take a few minutes. When the site is completely published, you open InSite/OutSite.

  6. You can now add a specific vacancy based on the new document template (provided you have performed the rest of the configuration).

See also:

Directly to

  1. Configure Applicant Self Service
  2. Configure sites with templates for Applicant Self Service
  3. Add a vacancy document template
  4. Add message templates for Applicant Self Service
  5. Application workflows
  6. Custom configuration for Applicant Self Service
  7. Add a profile for an application
  8. Use Applicant Self Service