E-mailing permission process via website

The opt-in process via the website consists of starting the process using the input form, confirmation and if applicable, cancellation of the opt-in.

E-mailing permission process via a website by a user:

A customer can start the opt-in process via the website by selecting the Keep me informed check box in an input form and entering the e-mail address.

  1. Go to: the website.
  2. Complete an input form.
  3. Select the Keep me informed check box.
  4. Enter the e-mail address.

    You will now automatically receive a confirmation e-mail in the inbox of the e-mail address you have specified.

  5. Open the confirmation e-mail.
  6. Click on: the link in the e-mail to confirm the request.

    You now see a page confirming you have completed the opt-in process.

To cancel the opt-in:

Once you have given your permission for receiving e-mailings, you can cancel this permission at any time.

Each e-mail you receive will contain an option to revoke your permission.

  1. Go to: the inbox.
  2. Open a newsletter, for instance.
  3. Click on: the link to unsubscribe from receiving e-mails.

    You now see a page confirming that the cancellation has been processed.

Directly to

  1. Opt-in on input form
  2. Configure opt-in on input forms
  3. Request e-mailing permission
  4. Confirm e-mailing permission
  5. E-mailing permission via portal
  6. Cancel e-mailing permission
  7. Stop e-mailing permission request