Delete an image from the media gallery

You can delete images from the media gallery. If you delete an image from a linked page then this image is still present in the media gallery, provided you have added it there.

To delete an image from the media gallery:

  1. Log on and start Site management.
  2. Click on: Media gallery.
  3. Select the image you want to delete.
  4. Click on: Delete.
  5. Click on: Yes.


    If you delete an image from the media gallery while it is still linked to a page or a banner, a message is displayed.

    Now open the properties of the image and click Show links. Remove the image from these links. After you have done this, you can delete the image from the media gallery.

Directly to

  1. Media gallery
  2. Configuration
  3. Add an image to the media gallery
  4. Edit an image in the media gallery
  5. Select an image from the media gallery
  6. Delete an image from the media gallery
  7. Deviating image for another format
  8. Display the links for an image