Show the links of an image

In the Links view you can see at a glance where an image is used.

If you select another image, you see which pages this affects.

To show the links of an image:

  1. Log on and start Site management.
  2. Click on: Media gallery.
  3. Select the image for which you want to retrieve the links.
  4. Click on: Show links.

    You now see a view showing where the image is used.

  5. Close the Media gallery image links window.

Directly to

  1. Media gallery
  2. Configuration
  3. Add an image to the media gallery
  4. Edit an image in the media gallery
  5. Select an image from the media gallery
  6. Delete an image from the media gallery
  7. Deviating image for another format
  8. Display the links for an image