Start Site management

A site administrator (webmaster) manages the site via the Site management menu. Only a user who is logged on with the appropriate rights can start Site management.

A site manager can add, change and delete a menu and pages on the site. In addition, he can also change the content of pages, modify the theme, link a different logo, etc.

You can appoint multiple persons in your organisation as site administrator. We recommend you come to clear agreements about who manages which pages.

To start Site management:

  1. Start InSite and log on.
  2. Click on: the arrow after the name.
  3. Click on: Site management.

    Ins_Sitebeheer opstarten (10)

    The Site management menu is now available:

    On your screen, the menu is shown as one menu bar with all the buttons side by side.

Directly to

  1. Site management
  2. Configure InSite
  3. Start Site management
  4. Exit Site management
  5. Edit a page, save a draft and publish it
  6. Delete a draft page and undo changes
  7. Site for smartphones and tablets (responsive design)