Expand account numbers with an allocation code

You can allocate the wage journal entry by organisational unit, job, cost centre and cost unit. If you have enabled an allocation, you can also add the relevant codes to ledger account numbers. This is only possible if you are using numerical codes that all have the same length. If not, you can replace the account numbers by an allocation code.


In the case of a replacement line for a specific ledger account with an allocation (organisational unit, job, cost centre or cost unit), you allow this allocation in the properties of the ledger account in the chart of accounts.

If you record an allocation by a cost centre for the Bruto lonen (4000) account, select the allocation by cost centre check box in the properties of Bruto lonen (4000).


Append an allocation code

You expand the ledger account numbers by 'attaching' a code to each number.


The journal structure has a 4-digit chart of accounts linked to it. During the journalising, Profit has to expand every account with a 3-digit cost centre code on the right. You need the following general replacement line (applies to all ledger accounts):

  • account number = original account number + cost centre code

    Because Profit contains the Profit allocation code by default, you need to configure a specific replacement line for it:

  • account number for allocation by Profit = original account number + '999'.

    Result during journalising:

  • Account 1800 and cost centre 100 become 1800100
  • Account 1800 and cost centre 200 become 1800200
  • Account 1800 and cost centre 300 become 1800300
  • Account 1800 and cost centre Profit become 1800999
  • Account 1805 and cost centre 100 become 1805100
  • Account 1805 and cost centre 200 become 1805200
  • Account 1805 and cost centre 300 become 1805300
  • Account 1805 and cost centre Profit become 1805999
  • Etc.

To expand account numbers with a cost centre code:

  1. Go to the tab: Replacement ledger account.
  2. Click on the action: Maintenance.
  3. Select the Replacement line maintenance (advanced) entry layout.
  4. Click on: OK.
  5. Complete the first entry line, as follows:
    1. Leave Account number empty (because this line applies to all accounts).
    2. Select Cost centre in Source.
    3. Leave Specific source empty (because this line applies to all cost centres).
    4. Enter the positions you want to replace in Target from and Target to.
  6. Complete the second entry line, as follows:
    1. Leave Account number empty (because this line applies to all accounts).
    2. Select Cost centre in Source.
    3. Enter Profit in Specific source.
    4. Enter the code for the default cost centre in Fixed value.
    5. Enter the positions you want to replace in Target from and Target to.

  7. Click on the action: Example chart.
  8. Open the view: By Cost centre.
  9. Close the view with the example.
Add an allocation code in front

You place a specific code, such as a cost centre code, to the left of each ledger account. To a large extent, the method is the same as appending a a fixed code. You have to configure the following replacement lines:

  • Add an allocation code on the left

    In the example below Profit places the cost centre in positions 1 - 3.

  • Replace any alphanumerical codes by numerical codes

    In the example below Profit replaces the default cost centre Profit with '999'.

  • Expand the account number to the desired number of positions. The last positions are intended for the account number.

    In the example below Profit expands the ledger account number to seven positions. Profit puts the original ledger account number in positions 4 - 7.

Directly to

  1. Add replacement lines to Payroll journalising
  2. Replace a ledger account number by another number
  3. Expand an account number with a fixed value
  4. Expand account numbers with an allocation code
  5. Specific replacement lines
  6. Cut up account numbers and use parts of codes