Add an assembled item as a subscription article

You can add an assembled item to use in a subscription. You use an assembled item to put several specific articles with individual sales prices on an invoice at the same time. Furthermore, using this method you can enter the revenue for each article on a different turnover account.

For example, for an invoice for the rent of a building, you can split the total rental price per period in 'rent' and 'service costs charged'. You can then enter these amounts on two different turnover accounts.

If you use assembled items in the subscriptions, the configuration of the assembled item lines is identical to the configuration of the subscription lines.

Before you can use assembled items, you must first activate the function.

To add an assembled item as a subscription article:

  1. Go to: Subscriptions / Subscription / Assembled item.
  2. Click on: New
  3. Enter a value in: Item code. This code must be unique.
  4. Enter a value in: Description.

    The description you enter here, appears on the invoice. The description of the parts does not. Bear this in mind!

  5. Select the Article group associated with subscriptions (without stock).
  6. Select a value for Basic unit. Typically this will be Stuks.
  7. Select the VAT rate group. Based on this, among other things, Profit determines the VAT for the invoice.
  8. Select an option in Assembled item type. Typically this will be  Product.
  9. Select a value for Price determination.
  10. Complete the remaining fields. 
  11. Go to the tab: Extra.
  12. Enter a value in Purchase contact.
  13. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Subscription articles
  2. View a subscription article
  3. Add a subscription article without purchase
  4. Add a subscription article with purchase
  5. Add an assembled item for subscriptions
  6. View assembled item lines