Add a subscription article for a one-off purchase

You can add subscription articles with purchase. In case of a Subscription item with purchase you invoice the same amount periodically; only on the first invoice a one-time amount is also invoiced, for example for ‘the purchase’ or administration charges. This one-off amount is calculated via a Normal article.

A normal article is actually a default article with the sub article type Normal article. You must include this normal article in the article group for subscriptions, otherwise you cannot select it. You then link the normal article to the Subscription item with purchase.

You include this subscription article with purchase in the subscription, along with for example one or more subscription articles without purchase.

Ensure that the start date of the price of the article is before or concurrent with the start date of the subscription.

To add a normal article for a ‘Subscription article for one-off purchase’:

  1. Go to: Subscriptions / Subscription / Article.
  2. Click on: New.

    Sub_Abonnementsartikel voor eenmalige aanschaf toevoegen

  3. Enter the Item code and the Description for the subscription.
  4. For subscription articles, you cannot edit the description again later in a line in the invoice, etc. As soon as you have selected a subscription article type, Profit disables the Changeable description setting if it is enabled.
  5. Select the Article group for subscriptions.
  6. Do not select the Track stock check box.


    The stock of a subscription article cannot be tracked. If you do select this check box, you cannot specify that the article is a subscription article.

  7. Select a Basic unit.
  8. Complete the remaining fields.
  9. Click on: Next.

    Sub_Abonnementsartikel met aanschaf toevoegen (20)

  10. Select Normal article in Sub-article type.
  11. The purchase and sales prices are based on the Price effective date. Profit does not save these prices in the article properties but saves them as basic price in the basic price list. That means you should preferably set 1 January of the current year here.
  12. Complete the price fields.
  13. Click on: Next.
  14. Select a Purchase contact.
  15. Click on: Next.

    Because Profit does not track the stock of a subscription article, you cannot enter anything in the stock check and order proposal fields.

  16. Click on: Next.
  17. Click on: Finish.

To add a subscription article for a one-off purchase:

  1. Go to: Subscriptions / Subscription / Article.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Enter the Item code.  
  4. Enter the description.
  5. Select the Article group for subscriptions.
  6. Do not select the Track stock check box.
  7. Complete the remaining fields.
  8. Click on: Next.

    Sub_Abonnementsartikel met aanschaf toevoegen (40)

  9. Select Subscription item with purchase in Sub-article type.
  10. Select the normal article that you invoice only once in Item code sales.
  11. In Price effective date, select a date that is before the date that you will be invoicing for the first time.
  12. Enter the price that should be calculated for each invoice in Sales price. If you are using a monthly cycle, enter the monthly price here.
  13. Click on: Next.
  14. Select a Purchase contact.
  15. Complete the wizard. 

Sub_Abonnementsartikel met aanschaf toevoegen (90)

Directly to

  1. Subscription articles
  2. View a subscription article
  3. Add a subscription article without purchase
  4. Add a subscription article with purchase
  5. Add an assembled item for subscriptions
  6. View assembled item lines
  7. Subscriptions configuration
  8. Configuration of Profit Financial
  9. Subscriptions configuration sequence
  10. Articles and authorisation integration
  11. Authorise subscriptions
  12. Add subscription types
  13. Add reasons for terminating a subscription
  14. Set preferred values for subscriptions
  15. Subscription numbering
  16. Set up the immediate addition of another subscription
  17. Configure Subscriptions in InSite
  18. Integration with Profit Financial
  19. Add a subscription article
  20. Sales contact profile for a subscription
  21. Configure a sales contact for a subscription
  22. Import subscriptions