Authorisation in combination with Profit HR
When you register your employees in Profit HR, you can link your employees to Profit users. As Profit for each logged in user knows which employee this is, the logged in user can, for example, view his own employee details or submit a request for leave for himself. A manager can view his own details and the details of the people he manages.
User 0010 is linked to the employee Fred Breddels.
If the user 0010 logs on to InSite, Profit can see that this is the employee Fred Breddels. As a result, Fred Breddels can see his own employee data and add leave requests.
This part is an extension to the default authorisation. Make sure that you are familiar with the subjects of groups, users and authorisation methods.
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The link between employees and users runs via the person in Profit CRM: when you add an employee, a linked person is automatically created. By linking this person to the user, you can link the user - person - employee.
In Profit HR an employee always belongs to a certain organisational unit (department). This is why you can use organisational units for filling groups in the Authorisation tool. If an employee (= user) belongs to a certain organisational unit, he also belongs to the corresponding authorisation group.
For Profit Calendar you also require the employee-user link.
The user DavidB is linked to the employee DavidB. In the organisation chart this employee falls under the ICT department. As a result, the system also knows that the userDavidB falls under the ICT department.
In the Authorisation tool you can automatically fill the Systeembeheer authorisation group with employees from the ICT department. This eliminates the need to assign this authorisation group manually. If any more employees are added to this department, Profit can automatically place these new employees in the Systeembeheer authorisation group as well.
Of course you can also add other users (who are not linked to employees), but the options described above do not apply to these.
- Add user/employee
If you employ a new employee, you first add him/her as an employee in Profit HR. This automatically creates a new person in Profit CRM. You then use the Authorisation tool to add the user and link the user to the person. This will automatically create the link between user - person - employee.
- Automatically fill groups based on HR organisation chart
You can have Profit populate user groups automatically based on organisational units (departments) from the organisation chart. In other words: if a user/employee belongs to a certain organisational unit, he automatically becomes a member of a user group (or multiple user groups).
- Filter authorisation for employees
If you have Profit HR, you can deploy the Employee Self Service (ESS) or Manager Self Service (MSS). In ESS an employee can view his own data and change it if required or, for example, submit a leave request. In MSS a manager can change the data of the people he manages. Filter authorisation plays an important role here.
- Authorise substitute
If managers are present on different tiers in the organisation chart, you can ensure that the organisation chart is guiding both for filling groups and for filter authorisation.
- Different manager authorisation (MSS)
You can set that a manager has access to both his own data and the data of the people he manages. By default a manager then has the same rights to his own data as to the data of the people he manages. However, you can also set it up in such a way that a manager has limited rights to his own data and extensive rights to the data of the employees he manages.
- Authorise substitute using a selection
You can specify a substitute for each employee. The substitute takes over the tasks in case of leave or absence. This substitute can also be granted the authorisation of the absent employee.