Register participants for a course
After you have added events, you can register participants.
You can register participants in Profit CRM, but if you are using Profit InSite participants can register themselves for a course.
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Participants can only register for scheduled courses (events). You can send an invitation or confirmation immediately; this will be recorded in the participant's dossier. When a participant registers, you can see immediately whether there are still places available or whether the maximum number of participants has been reached.
The teacher completes the presence list on the day he gives the course. You see immediately whether the registered participants are present and you can add certificates for these participants. These certificates are also added to the dossier of the participant, the contact and the relation.
- Register participants
You can only register participants that are known as a contact person for an organisation. If you are using Profit HR, you can also register employees.
- Move participants to another event
You can move one or more participants from one event to another at the same time.
- Copy participants to another event
With one action you can copy one or more participants from one event to another.
- View and change the properties of participants
A participant (employee or contact/contact person) can be registered for one or more events. You can view the properties by participant and by participant and event. In the participant's properties you can add a deviating price or a discount, if applicable.
- Confirmation letter to course participants
You can create dossier items containing confirmation letters and invitations for courses and submit them to the participants.
- Hand out a certificate to participants
You can add certificates as dossier items to the participants of a course.
- No checks on double registration for an annual event
By default, the Check for duplicate registration check box is selected for a course. If you have an event that recurs annually, participants may want to register every year. If you deselect this check box, the participants do not receive a message.
- Credit a participant
You can credit a participant in a course.
- Delete a participant from an event
You can delete a participant from a course.
- Block a participant
You can block participants so that they are no longer included in the availability count.