Monitor the campaign progress

You track the progress as far as costs, actions and results are concerned using tools like the Totalizer, reports en analyses. You can monitor the progress in the following ways:

  • on the Contacts and Totals tabs in the campaign action's properties
  • Totalizer
  • Analyses
  • Reports


Use the Totalizer to view the progress of a campaign

Using the Totalizer you quickly see the current status of the processing of the dossier items in a campaign.

In the central dossier function, you add a view including the fields that are relevant to campaigns. For example, by adding the Campaign (Dossier Extra) field to the To Do view.

To view the progress of a campaign using the Totalizer:

  1. Go to: CRM / Dossier / Dossier.
  2. Open the view: .
  3. Filter on the campaign.

    If you filter out the completed dossier items by default, delete that filter. In this case you want to see both the completed and the non-completed dossier items.

  4. Click on: Export and then on Totalizer:


  5. If necessary, change the column order to get a clear overview.
  6. Drag the Completed field to the Drag a column to this place to group this column box. Drag the ATC deelnemer field to this box too.

    You now see that first the number of non-completed dossier items and the number of completed dossier items are determined (7 versus 5).

  7. If applicable, click on the ± in the first column to get a better view of the results.
  8. Click on: Yes. In the completed dossier items you see the contacts that have signed on.

You see how many dossier items have been completed, indicated by Yes, whereas No indicates the number that still need to be completed.

Analyses regarding campaigns

Data collections for analyses:

  • Campaign
  • Campaign/costs: for the actual costs compared to the estimated costs.
  • Campaign/selections
  • Campaign actions
  • Contact for a campaign

Reports regarding campaigns

The following reports for campaigns are available to you:

  • Actions per campaign
  • Selections: available selections

After generating the campaign action, the dossier items have been added to the contacts in the selection.

Directly to

  1. Campaigns
  2. Configure a campaign
  3. Complete dossier items
  4. Monitor the campaign progress
  5. Add fixed costs
  6. Register the actual costs
  7. View the campaign results
  8. Delete a campaign