Add a relationship type
Because you do not record a specific destination for a relationship type (only Organisations or Persons or Person and Organisation types), you must enter a clear description.
When you add a relationship type, always consider the possible/desired applications, such as a better classification for mailings (target group/selection) or more effective communication.
In the Grafimedia sector, you can use the relationship member of sector organisation. Sector organisations for Grafimedia include KVGO, VGZ and ZSO. KVGO is an umbrella organisation, the other sector organisations are geared toward specific subsectors of the industry or toward companies that use a special technique.
This relationship can be the starting point for a further classification of the target group. An organisation can have Grafimedia as sector, but because of its membership of ZSO, you know that the organisation uses a specific printing technique. This is useful information if you produce ink for different printing processes.
In addition, different sector organisations can be proponents of different visions and using relationships you can then direct the appropriate message to the right target group.
If the description of the relationship from A to B is the same as that for B to A, the relationship description is displayed only once in the selection screen.
For Organisation A you specify the relationship 'is parent company of' Organisation B.
That means Organisation B gets the relationship 'has parent company' Organisation A.
The advantage of a relationship compared to a (custom) field, for example member of sector organisation versus the Sector field, is that you can add the relationship multiple times while you can complete the Sector field only once for an organisation.
To add a relationship type:
- Go to: CRM / Management / Relationship type.
- Click on: New.
- Enter the name.
- Enter the source and target descriptions; for example:
- From the source: is member of sector organisation.
- From the target: has as member.
- Click on: Finish.
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