View a relationship

You can view relationships using a separate function, in which Profit displays each relationship twice. If a relationship exists, for example, between two organisations, you can approach the relationship from either organisation. For persons, the same thing applies.

Here you can also view the relationships that are added automatically, such as 'who receives which report type at a contact' (contacts for issuing).

To view a relationship:

  1. Go to: CRM / Organisation/person / Relationship.

    Profit displays all relationships that are present twice, in view of the mutual character of relationships:

    • An employer has multiple employees.
    • An employee belongs to a specific employer.

  2. Use a quick filter, for example, on Source name and Context description to display all relationships of one organisation/person with other organisations/persons.
  3. Use the Open relationship source and Open relationship target actions to open the properties of the organisation/person on the selected line.

Directly to

  1. Relationships
  2. Add a relationship type
  3. Add a relationship
  4. To add a relationship: Is part of
  5. View a relationship