View the forecast history

The forecast history is a history of changes made to forecasts. Profit generates history lines for the following actions:

  • Add a forecast.
  • A change to the forecast amount (including the linking or changing of a quotation), the scoring percentage, the forecast group, the source, the progress status and the Open/Closed field.
  • Delete a forecast.



View the forecast history

The forecast history shows you which actions have been performed to arrive at a particular status - this information can also be found on the History tab of the forecast in question.

To view the forecast history:

  1. Go to: CRM / Sales automation / Forecast history.
  2. Profit displays the history lines.

    Using a filter, you can display, for example, forecasts per sales contact or status. You can use the quick filter to make selections, for example to see which consecutive actions on a specific forecast have led to a certain status.

    You can also view the history per forecast on the History tab in the properties of the forecast.

Clear the forecast history

By clearing the forecast history, you delete actions from the history up to a certain date.

To clear the forecast history:

  1. Go to: CRM / Sales automation / Forecast history.
  2. Click on the action: Clear.
  3. Enter a value in Clear up to and incl.
  4. Click on: Finish

Directly to

  1. Sales Automation
  2. Configure the Sales Automation
  3. Add a forecast
  4. Record a quotation/cost estimate for a forecast
  5. View forecasts
  6. Close a forecast
  7. Forecast history
  8. Change the forecast status and the scoring percentage
  9. Record a dossier item for a forecast
  10. Forecasts in InSite