View forecasts

A number of views and reports are available to display forecasts.

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Views with forecasts

You can display forecasts in several views.

To display forecasts using views:

  • CRM / Sales automation / Forecast.

    All forecasts, regardless of the status. The default view shows the total amounts and the scoring percentage, as well as the code and name of the responsible person.

    You can quickly analyse the forecasts using the Totalizer.

  • Financial / Debtor / Debtor.

    Open the properties of the desired debtor and go to the Forecast tab.

    Also refer to the comment from the Forecast history.

Reports regarding forecasts

You can use the reports to evaluate the results of your sales efforts per year/month. Using the reports by responsible person you can see which sales representative performs best. In the 'Forecasts lost to competitors (Profit)' report, you see which company is your strongest competitor.

To view reports:

  1. Go to: CRM / Output / Report.
  2. You can use the following reports. Most of the reports are fairly straightforward and are not explained here.
    • Forecasts per year/month (Profit)
    • Forecasts per responsible per month (Profit)
    • Forecasts lost to competitors (Profit)

      Only forecasts with the Closed and not scored status.Profit sorts the forecasts based on the competitor selected in the Filed field of the forecasts. Forecasts for which the competitor is unknown, are displayed under a separate heading.

    • Scored forecasts per year (Profit)
    • Scored forecasts per responsible per month (Profit)
    • Sales per forecast group (Profit)

Directly to

  1. Sales Automation
  2. Configure the Sales Automation
  3. Add a forecast
  4. Record a quotation/cost estimate for a forecast
  5. View forecasts
  6. Close a forecast
  7. Forecast history
  8. Change the forecast status and the scoring percentage
  9. Record a dossier item for a forecast
  10. Forecasts in InSite