Compare fields using a filter

Using a filter, you can compare the values of two columns in a view.

In the filter, put the name of the other column (the one you want to compare with) between [square brackets]. Your options now include:



Is equal to

[column name]

Is not equal to

![column name]

Is greater than

>[column name]

Is smaller than

<[column name]


Number..[column name]

[column name].. number


Value;[column name]

You cannot compare columns using 'Starts with', 'Ends with', 'Contains', 'Does not start with' and 'Does not end with' as the operator. Neither are calculations an option in the filter.


Profit has a number of reserved tags, such as [User], [Employee] and [OU]. If the column name is identical to a reserved tag, you must specify what you mean:

  • Use tag

    You enter the tag as it is predefined in Profit, e.g. [User], [Employee] and [OU].

  • Compare columns

    Use the format [field:column name], e.g. [field:User]. A space is not allowed after the colon.

Compare columns using a filter:

In this example you check which debtors have a balance that is greater than their credit limit.

  1. Go to: Financial / Debtor / Debtor.
  2. Open the view: Alle debiteuren.
  3. Above the Balance column, enter the following filter: >[Credit limit]
  4. Press: Enter.

Directly to

  1. Filter data
  2. Quick filter
  3. Simple filter
  4. Advanced filter
  5. Compare columns using a filter
  6. Filter management
  7. Filter variables
  8. Filter criteria
  9. Examples