Budget manually (bottom-up method)

For each general ledger account, you specify the annual budget and you distribute this over the periods using the periodic allocation table. If required, you can then modify the period budgets. If you have linked cost centres/allocations to the general ledger account, you budget the cost centres/allocations.

In the case of the budget for a turnover account, you enter a negative amount (amount preceded by a minus sign).


General ledger budgeting

Using the bottom-up method, you budget manually per ledger account.

To add a manual budget (bottom-up method) (without cost centres/allocations):

  1. Go to: Financial / Ledger / Budget.
  2. Click on the action: New budget or click on  New.

    You see an entry layout for budgeting general ledger accounts.

  3. Enter the year to be budgeted.
  4. Select the general ledger account to be budgeted.

    You can only select ledger accounts for which budgeting is enabled.

  5. Enter the annual budget in Amount and/or Number. In the case of a turnover account, you enter a negative amount (amount preceded by a minus sign).

    You specify in the general ledger account properties whether you budget by amount and/or number.

  6. Select the periodic allocation table from Period allocation.

    Profit displays the periodic allocation table of the ledger account, but you can select another one.

    You see a new entry layout with the period allocation from the periodic allocation table. If you did not select a periodic allocation table, Profit displays an even distribution.

  7. If required, change the period amounts or percentages.

    If you change a percentage, Profit changes the amount and/or number and vice versa. The total of the percentages must come to 100%. At the bottom of the screen, you can see how much you still have to distribute in order to reach 100%.

  8. Click on: Finish.

    Profit returns to the first entry layout with the ledger accounts to be budgeted.

  9. Click on: New.  to budget another ledger account or Finish to complete the budgeting.
Budget a general ledger account with cost centres

When you allocate a general ledger account, you do not distribute the annual budget for the ledger account directly over the periods, but you first distribute it across the allocation axes and codes (assignments). Next, you enter a period distribution per allocation code. The total per period (for all the underlying allocations) is the period budget.

Automatic distribution for an allocation axis

You can perform the distribution over the allocation codes of an allocation axis automatically. See Assign allocation codes to general ledger accounts.

Automatic period allocation for allocations

Automatic distribution over the periods is also possible. When you configure the ledger account, for each allocation assignment you record the desired periodic allocation table used for the distribution over the periods.

To budget a general ledger account with cost centres:

  1. Go to: Financial / Ledger / Budget.
  2. Click on the action: New budget.
  3. Enter the year to be budgeted.
  4. Select the ledger account.

    You can only select ledger accounts for which budgeting is enabled.

  5. Enter the annual budget in Amount and/or Number.

    In the ledger account properties, you have specified whether you budget by amount and/or number.

  6. Select the periodic allocation table that you want to use for the cost centres. If a cost centre has its own periodic allocation table then this has precedence.

    Profit displays a new entry layout for budgeting the allocations:

  7. Select the allocation.
  8. Enter the percentage of the annual budget for the general ledger account that applies to the selected allocation.
  9. Profit determines the amount. Alternatively, if you enter the amount, Profit determines the percentage.
  10. Select the periodic allocation table. If a cost centre has its own periodic allocation table then this has precedence.
  11. Profit displays a new entry layout with the period distribution based on the periodic allocation table. If you did not select a periodic allocation table, Profit displays an even distribution.
  12. You can change period amounts or percentages. If you change a percentage then Profit changes the amount and/or number and vice versa. The total of the percentages must come to 100%. At the bottom of the screen, you can see how much you still have to distribute in order to reach 100%.
  13. Click on: Finish.

    You must distribute the entire annual budget of the general ledger account over the cost centres. The total of the percentages for the cost centres must always be 100%.

    If you subsequently change a percentage then Profit displays a message indicating that you must once again perform the period allocation. For this, use the Period allocation action at the bottom of the entry layout. You can also use this action to change a period allocation.

  14. Click on: New.  (or press on Tab) to go further with budgeting another allocation or click on Finish to complete the budgeting.
  15. Click on: New.  to budget another ledger account or Finish to complete the budgeting.

Directly to

  1. Add a budget
  2. Budget manually (bottom-up method)
  3. Generate a budget automatically (top-down method)