Run the default installation of InSite

You use a wizard to configure a web server for InSite and for the corresponding configuration in Profit.

You must run the wizard on every server which will function as a web server for InSite.


Step 1: Start the installation program

You perform the procedure on the machine you want to use as a web server. This means that missing components, like the domain or the virtual folder, are added to this machine.

You run the installation using a separate program. This program is part of the Profit installation, but you run it separately (not from Profit).

Step 1: Start the installation program

  1. Start Windows Explorer and open the following folder:

    \Program Files (x86)\Profit\AFAS Windows\Kernel\Profit Inrichting InSite.

  2. Start 'Profit Inrichting InSite.exe'.

    The language of the messages and fields in the interface depends on the current location that has been recorded in the Windows settings.

  3. Read the comment.


    If you run the installation on a server which is not a Profit application server, you must enter the location of the Profit Application Service (PAS). The website 'communicates' with Profit (the backoffice) via the Profit Application Service.

    If you run this procedure on a machine on which Profit is installed, you cannot perform this step. In this case, the fields discussed below will not be available.

  4. To record the Profit Application Service location:
    1. Complete the Profit Application Service basic address: field.
    2. Enter your user name and password.
  5. Click on: Next.
Step 2: Record the publication folder

You record the folder in which Profit publishes the InSite website. There is one exception to this: if you are running this installation on a machine on which a stand-alone installation of Profit has been run. In this situation, you do not need a share.

To record the publication folder:

  1. Click on: Next.
  2. Select the folder in which you want to publish the files.

    Use a local folder, but not the 'ProgramData' or 'Documents & Settings' folders.

    If a location has already been recorded in Profit for a web server with the same name as the machine on which the installation is run, then this location is shown. You can change the suggested location. You can also enter a name for a folder that does not exist yet and it will be added after completion of the wizard.

  3. Enter the user name and password of the COM+ user. This user will receive read and write privileges for the folder after completion of the wizard.

    You cannot record a COM+ user for a stand-alone installation. The account under which the Profit Update Service runs receives read and write privileges for the folder after completion of the wizard.

  4. Click on: Next.
Step 3: Record a domain

A domain is recognisable from a unique address, such as You can use an internal or external domain for the InSite site:

  • Internal domain (on the web server)

    The preferred format for an internal domain is computer.domain. You cannot have load balancing or failover with an internal domain.

  • External domain

    If you want to use an external domain, like, you must request this from an internet provider.

You add a virtual path to the domain. The combination of domain name and virtual path is the complete address at which users can access the site.


Domain name:

Virtual folder: InSite

Complete URL to access the site:

Select a domain

  1. Select a domain, or select <Create new domain>.

    You will only see domains that are linked to a server in Profit and which have not been blocked, and domains of the type Portal = InSite.

    If you want to create a new domain, enter the name.

  2. Select a virtual path, or add a virtual path.

    By default, Profit uses the 'InSite' virtual path, but you can change this to, for example, 'Intranet' or 'MyPortal'. If you have multiple environments, you can use the name of the environment in the name of the virtual path. A virtual path is not required, you can leave it blank.

  3. Click on: Next.
Step 4: Record IIS

You determine the IIS Site under which the website runs and, if applicable, you can enter a port number.

By default, 'Default Web Site' is set, with port 443 (the default https port). Only change this data if necessary.

Step 5: Configure IIS

  1. Select the site under which the InSite site will be installed. Sites marked with an asterisk (*) are not available.

    If no sites are available, you must add a site.

  2. If applicable, enter a different port number.

    You see the URL the employees can use to access the InSite site.

  3. Click on: Next.
Step 5: Link an SSL certificate

You link an SSL certificate to the site. It is needed in order to use the site over a secure connection.

The SSL certificate is automatically selected if the selected IIS website already has an https binding for the selected port. If not, the certificate is selected based on the domain name. If no certificate is found, you can look it up and select it yourself.

You can use a self-signed certificate, or a certificate that has been issued by a 'certified authority'.

To select an SSL certificate:

  • Click on Select to select a different SSL certificate on the machine.
  • Click on Browse to open a folder and select an SSL certificate.

You may need to enter a password (depending on the certificate).

Step 6: Complete the installation wizard

You can complete the installation after you have selected the certificate. All of the data you entered in the wizard will only be processed when you complete the installation.


  1. Click on: Finish.

    The installation is run, which may take some time.

  2. The system displays a message when the installation is complete.

If the message 'A specified logon session does not exist' appears, you must select another certificate in the previous step. This can be a self-signed certificate, but AFAS advises against the use of certificates of this type.

Step 7: Link and publish the site

After completing the installation wizard, you need to perform the following steps.

Link the site to the web location:

  1. Open the Profit environment.
  2. Add a site and link the web location to the site.

To configure the Profit Update Service:

  1. Go to: ...\Profit\AFAS Windows\Kernel\Profit Update Service\Profit Update Service Controller.exe
  2. Right-click on Profit Update Service Controller.
  3. Click on: Run as administrator.
  4. Click on: Edit Settings.
  5. Deselect the Communicate via Profit Application Services  check box.
  6. Click on: Refresh.
  7. Select the Update Service added to Profit.

    If the update service is not present, click on Refresh.

  8. Click on: OK.
  9. Click on: Start.
  10. During the installation the website is added according to the settings of the share of the web server. The different virtual paths are added as a folder. When the installation is complete, a message is displayed.

    If the folder is not filled, an incorrect web site name has been entered for certain settings. Check the settings for consistency in the names!

  11. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Site.

Once the Profit Update Service has been launched and linked to a web server with a site published on it, you will see the status of the publication in the view of the site(s). When the update service is ready, the status is Published in full. You can refresh this window using F5.

Step 8: Authorise site management and log on

In InSite, employees have access to data from Profit Windows. Not every employee is allowed to see the same information. You can use the authorisation to arrange what an employee is allowed to see.

Follow-on steps:

  1. Authorise a site manager
  2. Log on as Sit Administrator

Directly to

  1. Default InSite installation using the installation program
  2. IIS on a local web server
  3. IIS with multiple application servers
  4. IIS with a separate web server
  5. Configure the Profit Application Service
  6. Run the installation program