Add a dossier item in InSite

When you submit a dossier item, you automatically only see the fields that are applicable to this dossier item.


You must first add a page for the dossier item before you can submit a dossier item.

To submit a dossier item in InSite:

  1. Open InSite.
  2. Go to: the location where you can submit the dossier item (e.g. create a note).
  3. Enter the Subject.
  4. Enter the Comment.
  5. Select the Put in client record check box.

    This field is not visible if you have specified that a (CRM) Destination is always mandatory for the dossier item type.

  6. Complete the remaining fields.

    The other fields depend on your configuration of the dossier item type.

  7. Click on: Create.

    When the dossier item enters the workflow and you can deal with the first task, you can immediately change the dossier item. If the user who submits the dossier item is also the reviewer, the request immediately gets the reviewed status and the workflow continues uninterrupted.

See also

Directly to

  1. Dossier in InSite
  2. Configure a dossier for InSite
  3. Submit a dossier item
  4. View a dossier item and add a response
  5. Link a destination to a dossier item
  6. Adjust a dossier item type for InSite
  7. Add custom fields to a dossier item type
  8. Input forms in the workflow
  9. Workflow management