

InSite is a modern, user-friendly, customisable intranet that enables employees and managers to find essential information quickly and easily. Employees can start actions themselves and make entries that are processed directly in Profit HR. This may include changing telephone numbers or address details, requesting leave and submitting declarations. This saves your HR department time, money, paperwork and unnecessary errors. For example, a manager can report an absence, report a new employee's start or an existing employee's end of employment.

See also: Configure InSite

Ins_Begrippen (InSite)



OutSite, the AFAS portal, provides you with a shielded part of your website that is accessible to your external contacts. Here, you can make information from the back office available and you can maintain structured 1-on-1 communications with your customers, partners, suppliers and applicants, while maintaining your grip on the process.

Using OutSite, you actually create a digital meeting place for your external contacts! OutSite offers your external contacts a one-stop window that is always available. This portal makes your service transparent and gives your contacts direct insight into the process. This not only ensures satisfied contacts, but also provides the structure for your external communication and control of the entire process.

See also: Configure OutSite

Ins_Begrippen (OutSite)

Site management

You use site management to maintain the pages and menus that form your site. Only a site administrator can make these changes.

See also: Authorise site management


Documents are all the pages of a template you have created yourself. These documents are recurring, such as the minutes of a recurring meeting or an employee manual that is published twice a year. These recurring documents are all based on the same template.

Ins_Begrippen (Document)

Overview page (view)

Views are called overviews in InSite and OutSite. An overview shows data from Profit in a table format, for example a list of employees or outstanding items.

A large number of overviews are available as defaults. If you require additional overviews, you add overviews that are based on existing overviews. You can lay out the overviews as you wish (add, move or delete columns, apply default filtering) and determine the presentation of the overview.

See also: Change an overview

Ins_Begrippen (Overzicht)

Portal page

Portal pages have a custom layout, allowing you to combine buttons, overviews, videos, text and images on one page.

Downloadable file

The user can use a downloadable file, for example, to download an annual report or a brochure from the site.

Ins_Begrippen (downloadbaar bestand)

External page

You add an external page so the website in question can be opened via a URL (Hyperlink).

Example: URL is If the user clicks on the link, the AFAS website opens:

Ins_Begrippen (Externe pagina)



If you want to make the structure of the site visible to the user, add a sitemap page. The sitemap structure makes it easier for search engines to index the desired pages in the site.

Ins_Begrippen (Pagina)

Cockpit page

A cockpit is a graphical overview in which you can see all the important key indicators of an organisation or department. This gives you a clear and up-to-date overview of the organisation's status and allows you to take informed decisions.

Ins_Begrippen (Cockpit)

Template page

Template pages determine the content and layout of pages you create with a document template. The site administrator maintains these template pages.

Ins_Begrippen (Sjabloonpagina)

Media gallery

Images for pages and banners are saved at a common location so you can use the same image in multiple places. We call this location the media gallery. You can select images from the media gallery, add images to it and change images in it.

In addition, Profit provides default images for use in banners in InSite.

Ins_Begrippen (Mediagalerij)


You use the layout settings to specify the menu type, the background colour and/or image for the site and any logo.

You also set the width of the site here.

In the layout, you record settings you (probably) will never change.

You maintain format settings such as colour and font in the theme.

Ins_Begrippen (Lay-out)


Themes determine the look and feel of your site. You can use themes to personalise your site. In a theme, you choose your own colours and fonts. You can swap the theme for a site and thus change its look and feel. For example, you can set a theme that is specific for Valentine's Day.

Ins_Begrippen (Thema)


You can also choose to exit the page without publishing it. In this case, the page keeps the Draft status, which means that a visitor cannot see the new page (or the changes to an existing page).

Ins_Begrippen (Concept)

Crumb trail

A crumb trail is a way to make it clear to the visitor of a web page exactly where he is within a hierarchically structured website. The site has been divided into different topics and, if appropriate, subtopics each with its own page. By first going to the main page, then to the topic page and finally to the subtopic page, the user follows the site's hierarchy. You can make the path followed visible.

Ins_Begrippen (Kruimelpad)


The structure of the site is divided into different zones. You use the site layout to specify the zones the site consists of and how much space these zones take up.

See also: Set up a zone

Ins_Begrippen (zones)


You display the content of the site in the Centre zone. This content is still changing. The content of this page often contains different elements.

Consider, for example, text, images, banners, video fragments, hyperlinks, etc.

Ins_Begrippen (Content)

CMS Editor

The site administrator can use the CMS Editor to format the entire site to his wishes.

A site administrator can use the CMS Editor at any position where he enters text. You can cut, copy and paste texts with the CMS Editor. You can format the text, and use subscript and superscript. In addition, you can record internal links and hyperlinks, add simple and advanced images and add a table of contents to your page.


A plug-in is an addition to a computer program. Generally plug-ins are created to extend a program or to provide more options. A plug-in requires the host application in order to be able to work and cannot be run standalone. Sometimes, specific standalone versions are released.

Ins_Begrippen (Plug-ins)Ins_Begrippen (Plug-ins gebruik)


You can group parts in InSite & OutSite so that pages are better organised and visually more attractive.

If you group different parts of a page together, you save space on the page. The visitor can use tabs or a drop-down list to switch quickly between the different parts.

Merging also gives the customer a quick general overview, such as a part that combines an indicator cockpit with an overview of the detailed information and a part with explanatory notes.

Part from an existing page

You can add an overview, view or integration page to a page. To do so, you add a part of an existing page.

Ins_Pagina bewerken (60)

Default part

You can add default parts to the template page. This data is automatically filled in the linked documents.

These are:

  • Summary
  • Source: the source of the document.
  • Author: the name of the author.
  • File: the link to a downloadable file.
  • Link: the link to the external URL
  • Publication date
  • Availability date
  • Due date

    Ins_Begrippen (Standaard onderdeel)


You can show content from another website in an iFrame on an InSite or OutSite site.

You can use an iFrame on a web page to display another page on the internet on your own page. Another advantage is that the original page is not 'left' (and thus does not need to be reloaded) if you are busy clicking within the iFrame page.

Ins_IFrame toevoegen (20)


Sometimes a page requires another parameter to enable it to start. A parameter is a variable to which a constant can be assigned for a specific operation. The employee parameter, for example, is used for starting the master card of an employee.

Ins_Parameter koppelen aan pagina (40)

Ins_Parameter koppelen aan pagina (30)

Input form

You can add input forms to your websites, configure them and publish them on the internet. Your visitors need to complete these forms before they can open a specific page or file.


You add a registration formif the visitors need to complete an input form before they can access a specific page or a file if they want, for example, to download a brochure.

You add another registration formif the visitors can register for something via an input form, for example for an event or course.

Ins_Begrippen (Invulformulier)


Your organisation uses many processes. From an order assignment from a customer, the processing of an information request, sending flowers or a request for leave from an employee. You want to be able to perform these processes - whether large or small - in the most efficient and standardised way possible.

Using workflows, you can fully automate the processes and prevent overflowing e-mail boxes and stray task lists. This provides overview and insight into all tasks and actions with which you fulfil your internal and external services.

Ins_Voorbeeld van een workflow

Related reference


A related reference is a hyperlink to another page.

2G_Gerelateerde verwijzing toevoegen


A profile is a collection of settings that allows you to add and complete specific data quickly. For example, you can add a profile for changing address details. It is useful if your employees can change this data themselves, so this does not have to be done by the HR department. It saves the department time and the chance of an error in the address is very small.

Ins_Begrippen (Profielen)

Entry layout (worksheet)

You use entry layouts for recording entry lines, such as financial entries, period budgets, actual costing lines and order management entries. Furthermore, you use entry layouts for master data, such as the budgets for positions, the allocation of cost types per wage component, etc.

See also: Change a worksheet

Ins_Begrippen (Boekingslay-out)

Authorisation role

You assign authorisation roles to persons, contacts or user groups.

Authorisation in InSite works as follows:

  • You add an Authorisation role in the InSite configuration.
  • This authorisation role is added to the InSite tab in the authorisation tool.
  • In the authorisation tool, add a user group with the same name as the authorisation role.
  • On the InSite tab, link the user group to the role.
  • Add functionality to the authorisation role. Functionality provides access to specific pages and actions in InSite. This way, the user automatically has access to the relevant actions. You cannot authorise actions separately.

    Ins_CONS Autorisatie in Profit InSite (Beschr) - InSite


Functionality is a collection of pages, actions and (authorised) tabs that, together, form one whole. You need all of this to perform a function.