Profit Update Service

The Profit Update Service ensures that changes in Profit are processed in the website. The Profit Update Service connects the internet and Profit so you can easily create and host your own sites. For this, Profit uses Internet Information Services (IIS) on the application server(s).

This service ensures that the pages that are defined in Profit are actually published on the web server so that they are visible to others. The pages are in fact websites. We recommend you do this on the same server on which you have installed the Profit Application Service, because this means the server is already accessible externally.

After a site has been published in its entirety for the first time, only changes are published. This can lead to pages having a significantly different age.


It must be possible to open the Profit environment linked to the site in Profit. If that is not the case, the Profit Update Service does not start. First check whether you can open the environment in Profit.


Configure the Profit Update Service
  1. Open the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Profit\AFAS Windows\Kernel\Profit Update Service.
  2. Start 'Profit Update Service Controller.exe'.
  3. Click on: 'Edit Settings'.

    2g_Profit Update Service configureren

  4. Deselect the 'Communiceren via Profit Application Services' check box.
  5. Select 'Standaard updateservice' in 'Identiteit'.

    2G_Profit Udpate Service configureren

  6. Click on: 'Verbinding testen'.
  7. Click on: OK.
  8. Click on: OK.
  9. Click on:Start.
  10. Close the screen when the Profit Update Service is configured.

    The Profit Update Service checks every 3 minutes whether any changes have been made. This data is collected and updated all at once. It can take up to 9 minutes before a change is implemented on your site.

Automatically start Profit Update Service information

Set this service up to be started automatically.

Automatically start Profit Update Service information:

  1. Start 'Services.msc'.
  2. Right-click 'Profit Update Service'.
  3. Click on: 'Properties'.
  4. Select 'Automatic' in 'Startup type'.

    Out_Profit Update Service informatie automatisch starten

  5. Click on: OK.
Profit Update Service information

You also have more information on the Domain/Virtual path/Web server tab in the Update Service properties.


The Update Service is only available in the CLE (Central Log-on Environment).

Check update information

  1. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Configuration / Update service.
  2. Open the properties of the update service.
  3. Go to the tab: Domain / Virtual path / Web server.

    Here you see the update status per domain, per virtual path and per web server.

  4. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Install OutSite
  2. Import an OutSite licence
  3. Configure the Profit Application Service
  4. Configure the Profit Update Service
  5. Submit an incident for AFAS Online
  6. Import a file from AFAS Online
  7. Add a site
  8. Configure a test site
  9. Configure the authorisation in OutSite
  10. Add a portal user