Configure education deliveries

In Profit, you can generate digital files for the deliveries to the 'Vervangingsfonds (VF)', 'Participatiefonds (PF)', 'DUO', 'Risicofonds', 'MBO Raad' and 'HBO Raad'.


The following deliveries are available in Profit:

  • 'Vervangingsfonds (VF)’ and 'Participatiefonds (PF)’

    These deliveries are required for the primary education sector.

  • ‘DUO’ delivery

    This delivery is required for the primary education, secondary education and MBO sectors (BVE CLA). This includes the quarterly and yearly ‘DUO’ delivery and the ‘GGL’ delivery.

  • ‘MBO Raad’

    This is the required delivery of the absence information for all employees to the ‘MBO Raad’, which is the sector organisation of all government funded MBO institutions in the Netherlands.

  • ‘Risicofonds’

    This delivery is required for the primary education and secondary education sectors.

Period table

In Profit, you can only generate digital files if the period table in the salary processing plan is of the Month type.

Wage components

The declaration amount is calculated using the 161.179.500 wage component. This wage component uses the Declaratiegrondslag (161.170.505) calculation basis. In principle, this calculation basis includes all wage components that are also included in the Kosten werkgever or Loon Sociale verzekeringen calculation bases. The only difference is that the Declaratiegrondslag (161.170.505) calculation basis includes the reservation for the holiday allowance and year-end bonus instead of their payment.

You can include your own net/gross reimbursement or deduction wage components in the Declaratiegrondslag (161.170.505) calculation basis. Your consultant can support you in doing this.


  • Activate the Education functionality

    This functionality is only available using an activation, which you can request from you AFAS consultant. You activate this functionality in the desired environment. The activation cannot be undone. After the activation, a conversion takes place.

  • Authorisation

    After activating the Education functionality, you authorise the various new tabs and menu options.

  • Add the Government and Education agency

    You add the Government and Education agency to the environment for the education delivery.

  • Add job types for a "DUO' delivery

    For the quarterly 'DUO' delivery you add job types.

  • Link job types to wage scales

    For the quarterly 'DUO' delivery you link the job types to wage scales.

  • Configure an employer

    For the deliveries to the 'Vervangingsfonds (VF)', 'Participatiefonds (PF)', 'DUO' and 'Risicofonds' you record the Government and Education agency at the employer level. For the deliveries to the 'Vervangingsfonds' and 'Participatiefonds' you record the educational institution at the employer level.

  • Configure a position

    After activating the Education functionality, you can link a position to an educational institution. When you add a new position, you can immediately specify an educational institution.

  • 'DUO' wage components

    If you want to configure your own wage components, you must take into account the following related to the 'DUO' delivery.