'DUO' wage components

If you want to configure your own wage components, you must take into account the following related to the 'DUO' delivery.

Profit composes the delivery using wage summaries. The 100.000.500 'Kosten werkgever' calculation basis determines what is included in a particular wage summary for the 'DUO' delivery.

Goal of gathering the wage cost data

The goal of specifying wage components for the wage costs in the 'DUO' delivery is to give 'OCW' insight into the employer costs of school boards. ‘OCW’ can use this information to compare the financial resources received by school boards for employing personnel with the realised wage costs.

When school boards were declaring the realised wage costs to 'OCW' and were getting reimbursed for the wage costs based on the declaration, this data was necessary to be able to determine whether the means reserved in the education budget were sufficient to reimburse the actual wage costs. Since the implementation of the lump sum financing, this information is mainly used to determine whether there are (potential) bottlenecks anywhere and, more in general, to determine whether the means available for education personnel are actually used to pay for the personnel costs.

Additional money was made available when the 'Convenant LeerKracht van Nederland' was signed. That money is earmarked for certain goals related to personnel. 'OCW' monitors the way it is spent.


For the 'PO', 'VO' and 'BVE' CLAs it is important that you enter a parameter for the following wage components:

  • 'PO' CLA

    161.171.105 'Korting i.v.m Bapo' wage component. You enter a value for the 'Bapo uren per week' parameter.

  • 'VO' CLA

    161.191.100 'Korting i.v.m. Bapo verlof' wage component. You enter a value for the 'Uren per week < 61 jr' or the 'Uren per week > 61 jr' parameter.

  • 'BVE' CLA

161.081.100 'Korting i.v.m. Bapo' wage component. You enter a value for the 'Bapo uren per week parameter.


Each wage component has a comment in which the operation of the wage component is explained. Always take a look at this explanation on the Comment tab in the properties of the wage component in the CLA. If you do not have the wage component available, first activate it.

Determine whether or not to deliver wage components

The section 'wage, allowances and deductions' mainly concerns the wage components that affect the amount of the wage costs for the employer, i.e. the school board:

  • Does the component increase the costs of the labour relation for the board?
  • Does the component decrease the costs of the labour relation for the board?
  • Do the costs for the board remain the same, whether or not the component applies to this labour relation?

If your answer to question 1 or 2 is 'Yes', include the wage component in the 'DUO' delivery.

Any wage components that consist of an employer part and an employee part should be specified twice:

  • Only the employer part
  • The total amount of the employer and employee share (in the payments)

You do not deliver any wage components that are exclusively charged to the employee.

If an employer compensates certain expenses of an employee or contributes to the employee expenses, you specify the amount of the compensation or contribution (compensation or contribution results in higher costs). You do not specify the amount of the employee's expenses.

To view a wage summary group:

  1. Go to: HR / Payroll / Configuration / Wage summary group.
  2. Open the properties of the 'Onderwijs: DUO (45)' wage summary group.
  3. Go to the tab: Wage summaries.

    Profit displays the wage summaries for the 'DUO' delivery.

  4. Open the wage summary’s properties.
  5. Go to the tab: Overview.

    You see all wage components, calculation bases and wage summaries that are included in the wage summary.

Directly to

  1. Configure education deliveries
  2. Authorisation
  3. Add the Government and Education agency
  4. Add job types for a "DUO' delivery
  5. Link job types to wage scales
  6. Configure an employer
  7. Configure a position
  8. new position
  9. 'DUO' wage components