Pro forma employee calculation

A potential employee often asks the question 'What is my net pay?', when the employee is informed of his/her gross wage. You can use a pro forma calculation to make a quick calculation without processing it. You use this to generate a test pay slip.

There are two ways in which you can perform a pro forma calculation, as follows:

  • From the employee’s master data

    A pro forma calculation from the master data of the employee is based on the current period and uses the current calculation rules. This is the period within which the system date falls. Profit includes the variable entries of the current period in the calculation.

  • Based on the wage entries entered

    For a pro forma calculation from Enter wage entries you select the period in which the calculation is to take place. Profit Includes the variable entries of the selected period in the calculation.

  • A pro forma employee

    You add a pro forma employee for a salary calculation without changing the employee’s master data. By doing so, you can process changes to the contract, timetable or salary to view the effect in the salary calculation.

Pro forma calculation on the basis of master data:

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
  2. Open the properties of the employee.
  3.  Click on: Actions (F8) / Pro forma.


    If the pro forma calculation is not based on the data of the current period, you first Refresh current details.

  4. This takes you to the screen with the wage check cockpit, which contains all of the data for the salary calculation.

    The Employee button is not available for a pro forma employee. It is available when you access the wage check cockpit for a regular employee.

See also

Directly to

  1. Employee wage components
  2. Configure fixed wage entries
  3. Add wage components
  4. View wage components
  5. Add or change a parameter value
  6. Add a parameter value using a weighted period calculation
  7. Manage payroll arrangements
  8. Terminate a wage component
  9. Pro forma calculation
  10. Allocation per wage component