'PGGM' file comparison

You can use Profit to compare your data with the data as it is known at the 'PGGM'. You should do this at least once a year.

In the file comparison, Profit includes the current and calculated employee, salary and pension data for an entire calendar year.


Only perform this analysis if the wage year has passed.

The 'Zorg en Welzijn' pension fund may ask you for a file comparison in the first half of the year.

To generate the 'PGGM' file comparison:

  1. Go to: HR / Payroll / Salary processing cockpit.
  2. For the employer select the last period line for the year.
  3. Click on the action: Output.
  4. Click on: Pension data deliveries / PGGM file comparison.
  5. Enter the file location.
  6. Click on: OK

    Profit generates the 'PGGM' file comparison file. You can view the file from the specified file location.

Directly to

  1. 'PGGM / GMA' digital
  2. Manually add and delete 'GMA' messages
  3. Create the digital 'GMA' file
  4. Send the digital 'GMA' file
  5. 'PGGM' file comparison