Approve a correction period

The approval of a correction period closes this period.

To approve a correction period:

  1. Go to:HR / Payroll / Salary processing cockpit.
  2. Select the processed correction period.
  3. Click on the action: Approve.


    You cannot undo the approval of a salary processing or delete an approved salary processing.

    You can use the Delete processing action to undo a provisionally processed correction period in the Salary processing cockpit. After that, you can actually delete the correction period.

  4. Click on: Yes.

    The approval of the salary processing is performed in the queue. If the approval is successful, a pop-up appears.

    For more information on the queue, click here.

    Once the period has been approved, it receives the Approved status. If the status has not changed, press F5. Following the approval, the difference period that may have been created when the period was closed is automatically deleted.

  5. Profit will automatically generate report sets if you have configured this in the settings and if you have linked a report set to the employer or salary processing line. Profit can print the report sets, send them by e-mail to the contact person for the employer or a deviating contact person, and add them to the dossier. Generating report sets works in the same way as when processing a period.

After approving a period, the finalised overviews are available.See also

Directly to

  1. Retroactive effect (RAE)
  2. Print settings for RAE slips
  3. Automatic RAE
  4. Manually initiate changes with RAE
  5. Add a correction period
  6. Process a correction period
  7. View RAE entries
  8. Approve a correction period
  9. Payment file for a correction period
  10. RAE pay slips for differences and replacement pay slips
  11. RAE entries in a journal entry analysis
  12. RAE entries in a cost analysis
  13. Wage declaration and RAE
  14. RAE entries across years