RAE pay slips for differences and replacement pay slips

Per period you can generate the payslips for differences and replacement pay slips. In the employer properties you can specify whether Profit should automatically generate pay slips for differences or replacement pay slips. 

If you first want to check the pay slips, you use the Consult salary function which displays the wage check cockpit.

When you print pay slips for a period that processes differences caused by RAE entries, you have the following additional options:

  • Replacement pay slips

    Select this option to print entirely new pay slips for preceding (approved) periods. These slips will print the data as they should be, meaning the RAE entries are taken into account.

  • Wage slip difference

    These pay slips only show the difference caused by the RAE entry.


    The pay slips for the current period are always printed. This pay slip always prints the net amount to be settled for RAE entries for previous periods and includes these amounts in the payment.

To generate wage slips for differences and replacement wage slips:

  1. Go to: HR / Payroll / Salary processing cockpit.
  2. Select the period line.


    You always print pay slips from the main period, not from any correction period.

  3. Click on the action: Output.
  4. Open the report: Wage slip.

    Profit launches the wizard for printing the pay slips.

  5. Specify the settings for the Selected period.

    You can only set this up if corrections to the selected period have been approved in a later period.

  6. Specify the settings for the Retroactive effect pay slips.

    You can choose to include RAE slips for preceding periods when you print the pay slips for this period.

  7. Specify the settings for the pay slip.

    You can specify whether you want to include all cumulatives on the pay slip and you can select the report to use for the pay slip.

  8. Click on: Next.
  9. Enter a selection if you do not want to print all pay slips for the selected period lines.
  10. Click on: Next.
  11. Select the Perform actions as specified for employer check box if you want to use the employer settings. If this is not the case, specify how Profit should complete the selected period line:
    • You can specify whether the pay slip must be saved to a dossier and to which dossier.
    • You can specify whether Profit should print the pay slip or send it by e-mail. If you select sending by e-mail, Profit determines whether to use the work or private e-mail address based on the employee settings.

    This option is not available for provisional pay slips. In that case the above step is skipped.

  12. Click on: Finish.

    When you generate pay slips for one employer, Profit first displays them as print preview. In all other situations that is not the case.

    Profit displays an overview of the actions performed in a separate window (unless you are only printing the pay slips). Profit displays lines with an error message in red.

Directly to

  1. Retroactive effect (RAE)
  2. Print settings for RAE slips
  3. Automatic RAE
  4. Manually initiate changes with RAE
  5. Add a correction period
  6. Process a correction period
  7. View RAE entries
  8. Approve a correction period
  9. Payment file for a correction period
  10. RAE pay slips for differences and replacement pay slips
  11. RAE entries in a journal entry analysis
  12. RAE entries in a cost analysis
  13. Wage declaration and RAE
  14. RAE entries across years