Example of a goods receipt reconciliation

In Profit you can reconcile goods receipts with purchase invoices from Profit Financieel. A detailed example is presented below.


In this example, we assume that you have already configured the reconciliation.


Add a goods receipt

You have received the PC cases.

To add a goods receipt:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Purchase process / Receipt.
  2. Click on: New
  3. Select an entry layout.

    Copy the data below:

  4. Click on: Finish.
  5. Close the entry layout.
  6. Find the goods receipt in the view.

The goods receipt in question now has the Active status.

Enter a purchase invoice

The purchase order came with the received goods. You are going to enter and reconcile this invoice in Profit Financieel.

Reconcile a goods receipt (run reconciliation)

To enter a purchase invoice and reconcile it with the goods receipt:

  1. Go to: Financial / Enter / Journal.
  2. Select the purchase journal.
  3. Click on: Finish
  4. Copy the following data:

  5. Complete the line.
  6. When you see a message asking if you want to reconcile, click on Yes.

    Purchs_Voorbeeld goederenontvangst confronteren (20)

    You now see potential lines for the reconciliation.

  7. Select the line with today's date.
  8. Click on the action:Receipt to view the corresponding goods receipt.
  9. Click on: Finish.

    You now return to the ‘Post entries’ window.

  10. Complete the first line by pressing Enter.

    You see that Profit adds extra lines.

    Purchs_Voorbeeld goederenontvangst confronteren4 (20)

    You see that Profit then also adds the VAT line.

  11. Click on: Finish

    You are now asked to confirm the update of the entries.

  12. Click on: Yes

Reconcile goods receipt <-> purchase invoice

You can also reconcile a goods receipt with the purchase invoice in Profit Order management. To do this, you must have already added the purchase invoice in Profit Financieel and then answered No to the question whether you want to perform a reconciliation (entry layout setting).

To reconcile a goods receipt in Profit Logistics:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Purchase process / Reconciliation.
  2. Select the purchase contact.
  3. Select the invoice number of the invoice that you have just entered (the number can differ from the image shown).
  4. Click on the action: F5. Select.

  5. Select the corresponding goods receipt that you want to reconcile with the purchase invoice.

    In the frame above, you see the reconciliation difference.

  6. Click on: Finish

    You now receive a message that there is a reconciliation difference of €20.00 together with the question whether you want to reconcile in full.


    If you specified in the logistics settings that a reconciliation difference is not allowed or if the reconciliation difference is larger than the set maximum difference, no journal entry is created for the reconciliation difference. In that case, Profit does not perform a reconciliation and immediately marks the invoice as ‘not fully reconciled’.

    The maximum percentage deviation is not intended for processing price differences. You have to handle these yourself by changing the unit price in the lines.

  7. Click on: Yes.
  8. Click on: Cancel.  Use this to quit the reconciliation window.

You are now going to add the journal entries:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Management / Journalise.
  2. Select the integration types that you want to journalise (in any case Stock).
  3. Click on: Next
  4. If required, select any sales and/or purchase invoices.
  5. Click on: Next
  6. Specify the entry date.
  7. Click on: Finish
Financial entries

To view the journal entries that have been created, go to:

Journal entry for price difference:

  1. Go to: Financial / Ledger / Ledger account.
  2. Open the properties of the ledger account.Inkopen (5000).
  3. Go to the tab: Entries.
  4. Open the properties of the journal entry created; you see that a price difference of €30.00 has been entered:

Journal entry for reconciliation difference:

  1. Open the properties of the ledger account.Confrontatieverschillen (5100).
  2. Go to the tab: Entries.
  3. Open the properties of the journal entry created; you see that a reconciliation difference of €50.00 has been entered:

Directly to

  1. Reconcile a goods receipt
  2. Configuration of the goods receipt reconciliation
  3. Reconcile a goods receipt from Financial
  4. Reconcile a goods receipt from Logistics
  5. Stop reconciling an invoice
  6. Reverse a reconciliation in Logistics
  7. Goods receipt reconciliation example
  8. Goods receipt
  9. Add a goods receipt
  10. View a goods receipt
  11. Incorporate incoming goods into a goods receipt
  12. Journalise a goods receipt
  13. Issue a goods receipt
  14. Release a goods receipt
  15. Import a goods receipt