Journalise stocktaking

You journalise the entries for the stock differences just as you journalise other stock entries and invoices to Profit Financieel.

The journal entry generated for a positive stock difference is:




Voorraad (3)



To Voorraadverschil (2)



The journal entry generated for a negative stock difference is:







To Voorraad



The ledger accounts for the stock and stock differences are set in the article group.

The amount that is journalised is calculated using the formula:

'Quantity difference' * Verrekenprijs


When entering the stocktaking differences the current fixed transfer price (VVP) is used. If the fixed transfer price (VVP) has changed since the stocktaking entry date (which may differ from the current date) and the current date, then the change in the stock (as Profit determined at that time) is revalued.

If the stock is to be written off following stocktaking (fewer articles counted than registered in Profit) this is done against the current fixed transfer price (VVP) because a revaluation has already taken place for those articles.

If more articles are found, stock is entered against the current fixed transfer price, because these articles were not revalued at the time the fixed transfer price was changed.

To journalise stocktaking:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Management / Journalise.
  2. Select at least the Stock integration type.
  3. Click on: Next
  4. Click on: Finish

    The progress window shows the progress of journalising the entries.

  5. Click on: OK

See also:

Change an article group for the integration of Order management and Financial

Directly to

  1. Stocktaking
  2. Configure stocktaking
  3. Add stocktaking
  4. View stocktaking
  5. Adjust sorting stocktaking
  6. Print stocktaking list
  7. Enter stocktaking
  8. Stocktaking using a barcode scanner
  9. Verify and approve stocktaking
  10. Journalise stocktaking