View assembled item lines

You can view the assembled item lines for subscriptions.


This overview is only available if you have activated the Assembled items function.

To view assembled item lines:

  1. Go to: Subscriptions / Subscription / Overviews / Assembled item lines

    You cannot switch between the Assembled item lines and Subscription lines views. If you want to retrieve the assembled item of another subscription line in the same subscription, you must first exit the window and then retrieve the properties of the subscription.

Directly to

  1. Subscription articles
  2. View a subscription article
  3. Add a subscription article without purchase
  4. Add a subscription article with purchase
  5. Add an assembled item for subscriptions
  6. View assembled item lines
  7. Subscriptions configuration
  8. Configuration of Profit Financial
  9. Subscriptions configuration sequence
  10. Articles and authorisation integration
  11. Authorise subscriptions
  12. Add subscription types
  13. Add reasons for terminating a subscription
  14. Set preferred values for subscriptions
  15. Subscription numbering
  16. Set up the immediate addition of another subscription
  17. Configure Subscriptions in InSite
  18. Integration with Profit Financial
  19. Add a subscription article
  20. Sales contact profile for a subscription
  21. Configure a sales contact for a subscription
  22. Import subscriptions