Configure messages from external packages

The configuration comprises two parts. You need to configure a Profit environment to exchange messages with agencies. In addition to this, you need to create a link with Profit for reading messages in this environment.



Below you see a simplified overview of messages read and submitted to the relevant agencies. The overview shows which components you need to configure.

App_Ext Aangifte vanuit extern pakket inrichten (Beschr)


  • You need to create an external link for offering messages to Profit. The external link calls up the ComSvcConnector web service. Via this web service, you register messages (in XML or XBRL format) in a specific Profit environment.

    You can also upload the status of messages from Profit via this web service. This is not shown in the diagram.

  • After messages have been registered, they need to be processed using the ‘COMMCONNPROCESS' command line option. Processing involves the following:
    • Profit analyses the messages and registers them in Profit tables. Information such as final payment dates, amounts outstanding or to be received, and year and period are taken from the messages.
    • Profit starts a workflow for each message.
  • The accountant’s clients log on to the accountant’s OutSite site and can view and assess their declaration messages.
  • If the client approves a message, the message is prepared for sending to the agency. Messages are sent via the communication service. If you have configured it for the relevant agencies, no additional configuration is required.

Relationship between message types and workflow

You specify in Profit which message types are allowed to be used for each environment. Blocked message types cannot be used.

One dossier item type comes with Profit, namely Approval message (Profit). You add the workflows for handling external declarations to this dossier item type. Link the correct workflow for each message type. You can use one workflow only for all message types, but you can also use different workflows per message type.


You use the following message types: VAT declaration, ICO declaration and CoC documents. You need to unblock these message types.

  • You want to use one workflow for VAT and ICP messages. You call this workflow ‘Tax authority’. You configure this workflow in dossier item typeApproval message (Profit) and you link it to message types VAT declaration and ICO declaration.

    After processing, all external VAT and ICP messages are sent to the 'Tax authority’ workflow.

  • You want to use one workflow for Ch. of comm. messages. You call this workflow ‘Ch. of Comm’. You configure this workflow in dossier item typeApproval message (Profit) and you link it to message types CoC documents.

After processing, all external Ch. of comm. messages are sent to the ‘Ch. of Comm.’ workflow.


  • Enable activation

    You can only use this functionality if you have activated it.

  • Authorise process

    Authorise the functions that you need to configure and use this process.

  • Configure workflow

    If a message is imported in Profit, it automatically goes to a workflow. A dossier item type for this workflow is provided by Profit. You need to add a workflow to this dossier item type (a standard workflow also comes with Profit).

  • Configure the communication connector

    You unblock the message types that you want to use. These correspond with the type of external messages that your clients will send via Profit. For each message type, you link the workflow that must be used for handling the message types.

  • Configure web service

    You use web services for transporting information to and from a Profit database. For importing external messages and status information you use the 'CommSvcConnector.asmx’ web service.

  • Configure command line for external tax declarations

    You need to process messages read in Profit with the 'COMMCONNPROCESS‘ command line-option.

  • Configure OutSite

    Your clients assess the messages read using OutSite. To make this possible, you need to activate a type of page in your OutSite site and configure the site for this functionality.

Also see