Add, change or delete cost estimates (UpdateConnector)

UpdateConnector for adding, changing or deleting cost estimates and cost estimate lines.

Connector name: KnQuotation


You can retrieve a list of fields to be supplied for each UpdateConnector and generate an XML example. See the description for AFAS Online or for a local installation.




Actions that can be performed with the connector


Comment on cost estimates

Project activity comment


Add cost estimates (with or without project)

Add a cost estimate line with project activities.

Download an XML example file

Download an XML example file (including activation of fields for Construction sector)


Change cost estimates (with or without project)

How you complete the cost estimate number (QuId) and/or project number (PrId) fields in case of an UPDATE action depends on the project settings you have configured for determining a cost estimate number:

  • If the Quotation number same as project number and Quotation number same as project number and phase check boxes have not been selected, you ONLY have to enter the cost estimate number (QuId) for an UPDATE action. Because: That is because as a user, you can determine the numbering of the cost estimate yourself. In that case the numbering is completely separate from the project numbering.
  • If the Quotation number same as project number check box has been selected, you must enter the same number in both the cost estimate number (QuId) and the project number (PrId) fields. Because: Here you indicate that the number of the cost estimate is the same as the project number. In that case the numbering of the cost estimates depends on the numbering of the projects.
  • If the Quotation number same as project number and Quotation number same as project number and phase check boxes have both been selected, you have to enter the cost estimate number (QuId), the project number (PrId) and the project phase number fields. Here you indicate that the number of the cost estimate is the same as the project number + PHASE. In that case the numbering of the cost estimate depends on the numbering of the projects and phases.

    For an UPDATE of the cost estimate line, use the 'GUID' of the line in question. You can retrieve it using a GetConnector based on a cost estimate.

Add, change or delete project activities in a cost estimate line.

Specify the cost estimate line based on the GUID of the cost estimate line.

Download an XML example file (add a project activity to an existing cost estimate line).

Download an XML example file (delete a project activity from an existing cost estimate line).


Delete cost estimates


If the cost estimate line gets deleted, any linked project activities are automatically deleted as well.

Not possible with the connector:

  • Convert a cost estimate to actual costing.

Points of attention:

  • You can also add text lines.
  • If the administration in which the entries are to be posted is not known, the administration from Projects / Management / Settings / Invoicing/stock is used.

Add, change and delete project activities

For this purpose, you use the 'PtProjectActivities' segment, which is part of the 'KnQuotationLine' segment.

Points of attention:

  • The cost estimate line for which you add or edit activities must be related to a work type.
  • The total of the numbers of hours on the activity lines must be equal to the number of hours in the parent cost estimate line.

Select an employee or person as team member

  • If the team member is an employee, you complete the fields as follows:
    • Type: 1
    • EmId: employee code

    If the cost estimate line contains an employee, you cannot specify or change a team member in the activities.

  • If the team member is a contact person, you complete the fields as follows:
    • Type: 2
    • CdId: contact person number

Margin percentage

Field: MaPC

You can use this field to include the margin percentage in the XML ('KnQuotationLine'' segment). This is only allowed for lines of the following types:

  • 1 (work type)
  • 2 (article)
  • 6 (costs)
  • 7 (assembled item)

The field is not allowed for line type 3 (text). If the field is in fact used for line type 3, a message appears in the log.

Reference date

Field: DaTi

You can use this field to include the reference date in the 'KnQuotationLine' segment of the connector.

Adding cost estimate lines to the import and UpdateConnector works in the same way as manually entering the cost estimate/quotation in the entry program:

If the Financial year and Period fields are not included in the import or the XML, the values of these fields are automatically derived from the quotation date in the header of the cost estimate. Including only one of the Financial year and Period fields is not allowed. You have to include both or neither. The fields can have a value that is different from the period of the quotation date. The reference date must be entered on the line but it is allowed to enter another date than the reference date in the header.

Directly to

  1. UpdateConnector descriptions