Uninstall the Profit Communication Center

You can remove the Profit Communication Center from a system by performing an uninstall procedure in Windows.

  1. Start the 'Windows Configuatiescherm' ('Control Panel').
  2. Click on: 'Een programma deïnstalleren' ('Uninstall a program').
  3. Uninstall the program 'Profit Communication Center'.

    Sys_POC InSite Inrichten per gebruiker

Directly to

  1. Installation procedure per Profit Communication Center user
  2. Switch to Profit Update 8
  3. Installation via InSite
  4. Installation via Profit Windows
  5. Installation for the use of the command line action PUBLISH (only local)
  6. PCC installation procedure for multiple environments
  7. Uninstall the Profit Communication Center
  8. Install Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (Excel 2007/2010)