View an analysis in Microsoft Excel

You generate an analysis in Microsoft Excel based on data from Profit. If you want, you can display the data in a graph or a pivot table.



  • Configure analyses
  • Check support of Microsoft Office

    Starting with Profit Update 2016.2.08, the 64-bit version of Microsoft is fully supported. If you are using an older Update, you need the 32-bit version of Microsoft Word for the Document generator.

    The default analyses supplied with Profit are always created using the most recent version of Office. You can copy these analyses and edit the copy. You need Microsoft Excel 2010 or higher to do this. (You cannot edit these analyses in Excel 2007.) This applies to both AFAS Online customers and customers who have a local installation.

  • Install the Profit Communication Center

    To be able to work with analyses, the Profit Communication Center (PCC) must be available. The PCC must have been configured and you must have configured the PCC on your workstation via InSite. In addition, Microsoft Office must be installed locally.

  • Authorisation


Also see