Add a bank transaction code with allocation

You can use transaction codes to automatically allocate the entered amount when importing bank statements.

To add a bank transaction code with allocation:

  1. Go to: Financial / Management / Transaction code bank.
  2. Open the desired transaction code.
  3. Go to the tab: Allocations.
  4. Click on: New.

    This button is active if you have linked allocation axes to the linked ledger account.

  5. Enter a value in Search value.

    The matching process compares the entered value with the third line of record ':86:' of a transaction in the bank statement file. After loading the file you can find this value in Profit.

    1. Go to: Financial / Enter / Bank statement.
    2. Go to the tab: Read bank file.

      Here are the original statement lines with the description.

    If there is a match between the search value and the value in the file then Profit allocates the amount entered to the ledger account that is specified on the Transaction settings tab, in accordance with the specified allocation.


    If you allocate the ledger account from the General box and the ledger account from the Processing commission on credit card box then the first allocation takes precedence. In other cases you can enter allocation codes while processing the statement.

  6. Enter the allocation assignments in one or more fields: the combination of allocation axis and code for the relevant ledger account.
  7. Click on: Finish.
  8. Click on: OK.


Swift transaction:

  • :61:040219C000000000393,91N121NONREF
  • :86:LIN-O-LUX
  • :86:Verk.punt PT5101       period 049

Transaction setting:

  • Transaction: N121
  • Description: Pin receipts
  • Ledger account: 1010


  • Search Values: Verk.punt PT5001, Verk.punt PT5101, etc.
  • Code as1:  100, 110, etc.  
  • Code as2:  1000, 1001, etc.

The transaction code in record :61: matches with the ledger account 1010. This account has two allocation axes.

Search value Verk.punt PT5101 has been set for the transaction code. The third line of record :86: shows a match. On this basis, Profit divides the amount of € 393.91 over allocation code 100 on allocation axis 1 and allocation code 1000 on allocation axis 2.

Directly to

  1. Configure electronic bank statements
  2. Configure the bank statement settings
  3. Configure a bank ledger account
  4. Configure a bank statement journal
  5. Configure a voucher number counter for a bank journal
  6. Add a bank transaction code
  7. Add a bank transaction code with allocation
  8. Configure Equens payments
  9. Configure the reconciliation of bank statements by ‘BSN’