Configure a bank journal

If you want to import a digital bank statement, then the bank account number of this bank statement must be linked to a bank journal.

To configure a bank journal:

  1. Go to: Financial / Ledger / Journal.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Add a journal with the following features:
    • Journal type: Financieel.
    • Contra account: Grootboekrekening Bank.
    • Last voucher counter: teller Bank.
    • Bank account: account number of the bank.
    • Bank account currency: Euro.
    • Negative cash balance check: .n.v.t..

See also:

Directly to

  1. Configure electronic bank statements
  2. Configure the bank statement settings
  3. Configure a bank ledger account
  4. Configure a bank statement journal
  5. Configure a voucher number counter for a bank journal
  6. Add a bank transaction code
  7. Add a bank transaction code with allocation
  8. Configure Equens payments
  9. Configure the reconciliation of bank statements by ‘BSN’