Link wage scales to job types

In the CLA/term of employment you link a scale to each job type. You can select the job grade when you specify a salary line for the employee.

To link wage scales to job types:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
  2. Open the CLA properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Term of employment.
  4. Open the properties of the term of employment.
  5. Go to the tab: Job type/scale.
  6. Click on: New.
  7. Select the combination of job type and wage scale.

    Only one combination can be recorded per job type. You can select the combination you record at the employee level. For an employee, you can also record other combinations.

  8. Select the Increase step periodically check box, if applicable. This allows you to automatically increase the step by granting a periodic increase from Profit Payroll.
  9. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Configure wage scales
  2. Add job types
  3. Maintain the Scale custom table
  4. View wage scales
  5. Add a wage scale
  6. Add and index a period line
  7. Complete a wage scale with scales and steps
  8. Link to job types