Build a new workflow

A workflow consists of a sequence of tasks and actions that you add very easily using select and drag.



You always have the opportunity to add tasks and actions.

In Profit, there are two kinds of workflows:

  • Action workflows

    Using an action workflow, you can assign tasks and actions to users. Examples of action workflows include requesting information, an order assignment or sending a bouquet of flowers. You can add an action workflow yourself.

  • Data-amending workflows

    In a data-amending workflow, you record data or update existing data in Profit. Examples of data-amending workflows include requesting leave, reporting an employee's start of employment and changing an employee's address. These are default workflows provided which you can use to add or change data in Profit.


  • New workflow without basis

    You can build a complete workflow yourself. You then only have a To complete task and a Complete action.

  • New workflow based on an existing one

    You can add a new workflow that you base on an existing workflow. With the copying, the conditions, field controls and such like are not carried across.

  • Add a task

    You can add two types of tasks to the workflow: To be dealt with and For info.

  • Change a task

    You can customise the properties of a task. You cannot change the task type.

  • Copy rights from another task

    You can set the rights for a task to be the same as those for another task from the same workflow.

  • Delete a task

    If you have linked the wrong task to an action, you can delete it. When you delete a task, the linked actions and tasks are also deleted.

  • Add an action

    You can reject, delegate or transfer a task or change who is responsible for it. You can add these actions to each task.

  • Extra actions for a task

    A number of actions are available in the task properties. Each action type can only appear once per task.

  • Adjust an action

    You can adjust some data in the properties of an action. For instance, you can customise the visibility of the action or the follow-up task.

  • Configure the Action confirmation screen

    You can display a confirmation screen for an action in which a user may be obliged to enter a comment. If a response is entered then the user can specify if and for whom the response is visible.

  • Add a follow-up task to an action

    You can link an action to a follow-up task. This follow-up task can be an action in the workflow, the end of the workflow or a new task in the workflow.

  • Delete an action

    You can delete an action from the workflow.

  • Add a condition to a workflow

    You can use conditions in the workflow. For example, you can use a condition to register that a specific field needs to be filled before an action can be performed.

  • Add custom fields to an action

    For a workflow action, you can specify which fields must be completed by the user.

  • Assign a value to fields in the workflow

    You can have a (custom) field for an action in the workflow populated automatically with a fixed value, a value from another field or a value from a tag.

  • Submit a new dossier item from dossier item

    You can submit another dossier item to an action in the workflow so that the opened dossier item causes a new workflow to start.

  • Link a message to a task or an action

    You can link a message template to a task or an action. If the dossier item reaches the task or the action, the linked message is automatically sent to the person you have selected.

  • Overview of tasks and actions

    Profit comes standard with an overview of all tasks and actions in the workflow. You also have a view of just the tasks and a view of just the actions.

  • Custom table for status in workflow

    You can link a custom status table to the workflow. The table contains the values the workflow status can have. You can adjust some data in the properties of an action. For instance, you can customise the visibility of the action or the follow-up task.

Also see