Build workflow example
If you have added a workflow based on an empty workflow, then you are building an all new workflow.
The HR department would like to use a workflow to handle study requests.
Herma Sprong - Schouten would like to improve her professional proficiency by studying for a master's degree in Human Resources Management (MHRM).
The procedure:
- The employee or an authorised person submits the dossier item.
- The request first goes to the employee's manager. The manager checks the amount for the study request:
- if the request is for more than €5,000, he forwards the request to the director.
- if the request is for less than €5,000, he reviews the request himself.
- if he does not agree with the study request, he can reject it.
- If the study request is for more than €5,000, the director also has to approve the flow.
If the director (> €5,000), or the manager (< €5,000), approves it, the HR department must draw up a study contract and send it to the employee.
If the director rejects the request, the manager must also reject it.
The employee gets a message when the study request has been completely approved.
In the procedure below, you add a workflow for this example.
To build a new workflow:
- Open Profit.
- Go to: CRM / Dossier / Configuration / Dossier item type.
- Open the properties of the dossier item type..
- Go to the tab: Workflows.
- Click on: New.
- Enter the description.
- Select based on an empty workflow in Selection.
- Click on: Finish.
The new workflow consists of the To be dealt with task with the Complete action:
- Click on the task: To be dealt with.
- You open the properties of the task.
- Change the default description To be dealt with to Bedrag studieaanvraag controleren.
- Click on:
after Task intended for.
- Enter Leiding in Filter. You now see a restricted list of Roles / Responsibilities / Groups.
- Select Management - submitter and place it in the Addressed to frame. Select the Rol: Ingrijpen Workflow role.
You can also select a role and then press Enter.
The sender of the dossier item is . The manager of is visible in the organisation chart:
The direct manager of is . You see that the manager is in a separate layer in the organisation chart.
- Click on: OK.
- Click on: Complete.
- Change the description to Studieaanvraag > € 5.000.
- Click on: Bedrag studieaanvraag controleren.
- Drag another Complete action to this task:
- Change the description to Studieaanvraag < € 5.000.
- Click on: Bedrag studieaanvraag controleren. The manager can also Reject the request directly.
- Drag the Reject action to the Bedrag studieaanvraag controleren task.
We now first record the process for study requests higher than €5,000.
- Click on the Studieaanvraag > € 5.000 action. The director needs to review this application.
- Drag the To be dealt with task to this action.
- Click on To be dealt with.
- Change the description to Beoordelen studieaanvraag door directie.
- Click on:
after Task intended for.
- Select Rol: Directie and Rol: Ingrijpen Workflow.
- Click on: OK.
- Click on: Complete.
- Change the description to Aanvraag goedgekeurd door directie.
The director can also reject the request. In that case, the manager must also reject it.
- Click on: Beoordelen studieaanvraag door directie.
- Drag the Reject action to the task.
- Change the description to Afgekeurd door directie. We must first add the follow-up task. We do this later in the procedure.
- Select the action Aanvraag goedgekeurd door directie. The HR department must now draw up a study contract.
- Drag the To be dealt with task to this action.
- Change the description to Studieovereenkomst opstellen door PZ.
- Click on:
after Task intended for.
- Select Rol: Applicatiebeheer personeelsadministratie and Rol: Ingrijpen Workflow.
- Click on: OK.
- Select the Complete task after Studieovereenkomst opstellen door PZ.
- Change the description to Studieovereenkomst opgesteld.
The sender and the sender's manager must know that the request has been approved.
- Drag the For info task to this action.
- Select the For info task.
- Change the description to Ter info: studieaanvraag akkoord.
- Click on:
after Task intended for.
- Place the and Leidinggevende - instuurder roles in the Addressed to frame.
- Click on: OK.
- Select the Send e-mail to users of this task (via work e-mail) check box.
- Select the Complete action.
- Change the description to Approved.
You have now configured the flow for dealing with a study request higher than €5,000.
Now we create the flow for requests for less than €5,000.
- Click on the Studieaanvraag < € 5.000 action.
- Drag the To be dealt with task to this action.
- Change the description to Beoordelen studieaanvraag door leidinggevende.
- The task is intended for the sender's leidinggevende and for Rol: ingrijpen workflow.
- Click on Complete after Beoordelen studieaanvraag door leidinggevende.
- Change the description to Aanvraag goedgekeurd door LG.
The HR department must now draw up a study contract.
- Select the Studieovereenkomst opstellen door PZ follow-up task.
- Click on: Beoordelen studieaanvraag door leidinggevende. In addition to Approve, the manager can, of course, also Reject the request.
- Drag the Reject action to the task.
- Change the description to Afgekeurd door LG. We now add the follow-up task for this action.
- Select the Reject action of the Bedrag studieaanvraag controleren task.
The manager can also reject the request directly. After this, the sender can explain the request and send it back to the manager. The sender can also withdraw the request.
- Drag the To be dealt with task to the action:
- Change the description to Studieaanvraag afgewezen door LG.
- Select Instuurder in Task intended for.
- Click on the Complete action after Studieaanvraag afgewezen door LG.
- Change the description to Studieaanvraag toegelicht (terug naar LG).
- The follow-up task for this action is Bedrag studieaanvraag controleren.
- Drag the Reject action to the Studieaanvraag afgewezen door LG task.
- Change the description to Studieaanvraag ingetrokken.
If the director or the manager rejects the request when reviewing it, the sender must have the same options as when the manager rejects the request directly.
- Select the Afgekeurd door directie action after Beoordelen studieaanvraag door directie.
- Select the Studieaanvraag afgewezen door LG follow-up task.
- Select the Afgekeurd door LG action after Beoordelen studieaanvraag door leidinggevende.
- Select the Studieaanvraag afgewezen door LG follow-up task.
The final workflow looks as follows:
- Click on: Save
- Click on: Publish
Now, create a page in InSite so that a user can submit an information request.
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